Anchored in the Treacherous Storms of Life

Anchored in the Treacherous Storms of Life

Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." 

Abba Father good morning – With this morning daylight will come a new day of hope, a day of encouragement, a day of affirmation, a new day filled with precious promises from our living God. This amazing God willingly pouring agape love upon this whole world; touching each one of our lives personally, uniquely, and unconditionally. Participating in this day might not be easy; it can be overwhelming at times as we live in this struggling world. Just like Joshua, we need to be strong and courageous, not terrified or discouraged everywhere we go. Our living God has uniquely prepared a path for each one of us and it is good; we need to stay focused, dedicated, and prepared. We need to stay active in doing our part moment by moment; continually reaching out in prayer, fellowshipping with others, attending church regularly, and walking alone side others. As we willingly read, hold, and embrace the living bible, we will be encouraged to be strong and courageous. Living in the ways of this world can be draining, frustrating, and overwhelming. As the storms of life pass through our life with the everyday hardships, struggles, trials, temptations, and uncertainties; this book of truth from our living God embedded deep within our heart, our mind, and our soul will be our anchor, our foundation, and our way of life. The storms will come and go, but the word of our God will be in every rain drop, sustaining us with the promise to never leave us, forsake us, or abandon us. Our life will constantly be overshadowed and protected; being renewed, refreshed, redeemed, and restored. When we cling tightly to this living word; something comes alive, grows, and blossoms deep within us. Taking hold with deep penetrating roots that get stronger and stronger as this something comes to life called faith. We fertilize this life of faith as we willingly believe, accept, trust and follow our living God, our Lord Jesus, and Holy Spirit. It might not be easy; God prepared Joshua for the task before him by encouraging him to be strong and courageous. This same God will encourage us to be strong and courageous, walking beside us in every storm of life. Our living God will be with us wherever we go; overshadowing our life with affirmation to not be discouraged or terrified. There will never be a moment we will be alone. As we live life by faith; our life will be protected as the storms brew, swirl, and clash around us. We will be comforted with an abundance of hope surrounding hopelessness; unconditional love penetrating feelings of unloved, rejection and unworthiness; compassionate forgiveness releasing, destroying, and ungrasping the sinfulness of untruth attempting to consume our life; and all with the promise of eternal life in heaven shining brightly in the darkness of despair. We have a choice, a decision, and a way of life to choose. We can live in swirling storms of the ways of this world, being consumed with untruth. Or we can live a life of faith with our living God, our Lord Jesus, and Holy Spirit; being protected in every hardship, struggle, trial, temptation, and uncertainty. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." 

Father – Thank you for never leaving, forsaking me, or abandoning me; always being by my side encouraging me moment by moment. Pour blessing upon my life opening my heart, my mind, and my soul to be prepared, strong and courageous. Encountering and enduring the swirling storms of this life within this world, this day. I am thankful, grateful, and cherish being anchored in the treacherous storms of this life with you Abba Father, Lord Jesus, and Holy Spirit.

If you or someone you know is need of a bible; private message me - no questions asked. 

Michael J Zenner

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