9 steps to overcome your fear!!

9 steps to overcome your fear!!

Are you having any fear? This is a very common emotion, we all face somewhere in our life. Fear of anything is the reason for depriving you lot of opportunities in your life. Every person has fear in their life of something. This fear didn’t help us to reach our full potential. We can reach much more in our life than we deserve. 

What is fear?

Fear is the emotion that your mind tells you that you can have any problem or danger to your life before doing a certain act. In fear, you start to have sweating, your heart rate increases. This is a sign of anxiety. Anxiety and fear correlate. 

You can have many types of fear as-

  • Fear of public speaking
  • Fear of height
  • Fear of water
  • Fear of failing
  • Fear of what people say
  • Fear of trying something new

Fear comes when you have a bad experience in your life or you have seen it somewhere on television or listened from your friends and family. Your mind reflects those things and you start to have fear instantly. 

You need to justify to your mind that your fear can hinder many opportunities. Fill your mind with positive things, love, and hope, and you will have no space for fear.

When you listen to negative news again and again and take advice from people who have bad experiences. You should not take your life advice from anyone, they should be expertise and successful in their field.

As per Mel Robins - a best-selling author and public speaker- Fear is like the feeling of excitement you just have to tell your mind that it’s not fear it’s excitement. Your mind will be confused and you will have the courage to step in.

How to get rid of fear-

We have to learn, how to overcome our fear. There are the following steps to overcome our fear-

1. By doing actions

Actions cure fear. In beginning, you will have always fear, once you learn it, and do it again and again. You can overcome your fear. When you start learning to drive a car for the first time, you will be scared and fearful, you will drive the car with full attention and cautiously. Once you will learn it and drive, again and again, you will have no fear, you can drive the car while you talking and eating, because your subconscious mind drives your car, you just looking at the road. When you do things multiple times. it gives you confidence. 

2. Think to help others

When you think about others before you. You will have the motivation to help others. You can be a reason to bring a change in people’s life. I am a person who has a fear of coming on camera, but I want to make a difference in people’s life. So I came live on my Instagram in front of 2000 followers. After that, I started my youtube channel and created many videos. I felt that it took nothing just one step and you will have no more fear. 

3. Courageous stories

When you listen to or read courageous stories you will feel great. It impacts you and you are able to connect with them. When you read or listen to how other people overcome their fear and their struggles, You will have that courage too. If other people can do you can do the same. Courageous people have set so many examples for others. We should learn from them and get rid of all fears.

4. Determination

When you are determined and have strong willpower, you can even move the mountains. You should have a laser focus on your goal. If you are determined, you can reach any goal and you have no fear anymore. Determined people always have a great vision and goals in their life. Find your purpose and why for your life, and take the necessary steps to achieve it. 

5. Faith

Faith is very important to overcome any fear. When you have strong faith, irrespective of any religion, you can make things possible. Faith gives you the courage to overcome any situation. You will always think that you are divinely protected unless it is an impractical thing or a life and death matter. Faith supports and gives you hope in each and every situation in your life. Behind every successful person, there is always their faith which gives support on their back.

6. Your surroundings 

When you surround yourself with the people who encourage you and give you positivity. You will have no space for fear. When you are living and surrounded by toxic People, You will start to behave like negative people, your mind will be fearful. I remember, when I was talking with my friend at the time of Coronavirus when cases were at their peak, she was very scared of everything, I talked her she should use all precautions but no need to be scared. I notice she was watching the news and talking with other friends who always talking negatively. The same language she was talking to me. Your mind catches others’ words and vibrations. We have to protect our minds.

7. Don’t do overthinking

When you do overthink. You think about everything except actions. Without doing the action, you will always be fearful. When you listen to or watch something. With calculated planning, we should do things instead of overthinking. Yes, we will fall and do mistakes. but initially, everyone learns from their mistakes, but we have the experience to do things better next time. Nobody is born perfect people learn and improve with every step. 

8. Don't think about what people say

This is one of the fears that people have most of the time. People always gonna think about something. When you do something that you believe, if people talk behind your back, they reflect themselves not you. People of great soul never talk behind and criticize others. People always laugh at first and after some time they are the same people, who will appreciate you. 

9. Planning

Things get executed well because they are planned well. People who do practice and plan things, their mind is prepared for that. Fear is just a temporary emotion. Once you will step in, you will do great because you did practice. I remember when I was giving a presentation in Network Marketing Business, I was so scared, How can I give a presentation in front of a lot of people, But my coach encouraged me that everything gonna be fine. When I finished my presentation, everything was coming from my mouth as I practiced a lot. It takes just one step to get rid of your fear.

The bottom Line is that it takes courage to get rid of fear. You have to analyze whether staying fearful or breaking the wall of fear will help you to reach your destination. Being grateful and optimistic will fill your mind with positivity and pleasant emotions, you will have no space for fear.

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Stay healthy and safe!!

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