8 Important tips to raise during a job interview

After many years working in the recruitment industry, I have met with so many candidates, who had great potential but couldn't get a position due to minor issues and omissions, that have a big impact. When you get an invitation for an interview, it means that you are more than halfway to getting the job.

The screening process guarantees you “tick all the boxes”. The interview itself is an opportunity for the hiring manager and team to learn more about you as a team player if you would integrate well into an existing team, and work as part of their team. 

The following are some points that can make you the best candidate. 

1️⃣Demonstrate that you know the company inside and out;

This sounds like a cliche, but believe me, a lot of people go to an interview (face to face or online) without checking the company's social media, history or what products create their revenue.

Understanding the company values, history and products, are important for you as a professional, to know if the company matches your requirements and for the interviewer to understand how deeply you know the company and want the job. 

Learn the basics about their values, industry, competitors, and news about the business and show how interested you are in the job. 

2️⃣Emphasise and show off your relevant experience;

Make sure to mention brief examples of your relevant professional experience and for how long you have been doing the job. 

In case of a career change, emphasise what are your transferable skills and why you are considering the change. 

It is never too early or too late to change careers and to try something new. Just make sure to demonstrate to the panel that you have specific aspirations, that you work to an intelligent personal plan and that this new job can match your growth ambitions and what they would benefit by having you there. 

3️⃣Show that you are 'a team player';

In a time of working from home and hybrid work, demonstrating how you are able to work, both as an individual and team player, is key to success in any interview. Remember, a lot of the answer is about YOU, and what you did as part of the team already in your career, but you also need to be able to show that you can work together with various teams and are capable of approaching others, including your manager, for help. This is often the key to success. 

4️⃣Reveal your ambition about the particular job you are interviewing for;

Every job application has a motivation and target.

Don't be shy to express your ambitions and career path in this current role. 

The market is growing and you need to demonstrate to the hiring manager, that you want to succeed in your role, be responsible for your success and the company's successs, as part of a team.

Sometimes this might sound as if you want your boss's job, but how about showing that you want him to be promoted and for you both to grow together.

5️⃣Make it evident that you 'can't wait to start’;

Showing that you understand and are motivated by the culture of the business and making yourself ready to start as soon as possible, will demonstrate your enthusiasm about the role you are applying for and that you are available to build this new partnership asap 

6️⃣Express your curiosity and eagerness to learn;

Don't be afraid to ask questions and show them you did “your homework”. Present company data, ask about the news involving the company and how the company is working to grow to keep the staff motivated.

In all my job interviews I always ask my interviewer; Why do you work? Would you be able to tell me 3 good things about working here and why this position is available (promotion, leave, growth).

Demonstrate to the panel that you know about the company and that you are there to learn more and grow with them 

7️⃣Hint that ‘'you've already been brainstorming’

Make the interview more of a conversation and instead of simply answering questions, create an atmosphere where you are already part of a team bringing ideas and possible solutions to various issues.

8️⃣Express your gratitude for the opportunity to interview

Recruitment is changing a lot and is different from the old days when candidates fought for the job. These days there is a focus on selling the “job” to the candidates and showing them more about the benefits and well-being activities that will attract their talents. This doesn’t mean that during the interview you can't be polite and say that you are glad for the opportunity of joining the interview. 

Remember that a lot of effort and paperwork happened behind the scenes that have led to you being interviewed.

Recruitment has become a very challenging job in times of a shortage of talents.

Please let me know your thoughts and if I am missing something, please leave comments.

David Hunt

Senior Group Manager, Financial Reporting


Great article Juracy. really informative ..

Tatiane Passos

Human Resources Professional | CIPD Qualified


Valuable insights Juracy!

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