6 Ways to Live in the Present
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6 Ways to Live in the Present

 By Lucy N.

“A great hallmark of mental wellness is the ability to be in the present moment, fully and with no thoughts of being elsewhere.” -Wayne Dyer

We are living in times where slowing down is not an option for most of us. From work-life to family life, personal life, and everything else in between. There seems to be a lot of things that need our attention. There is little time, if any, to relax and be. We can’t sit and sip a cup of tea without feeling the need to do something else. This article is not a call to stop doing everything and go into solitude. No. These are a few ways to help you slow down and enjoy the present.

1.     Laugh More often

“Laughter is the best medicine”. It triggers the release of endorphins, a natural way for the body to cure itself and create positive feelings. Have a good sense of humor. Stop taking everything too seriously. Crack a bad joke. A good one if you can. Laugh heartily and always wear a smile.

2.     Forgive Past Hurts

To forgive yourself and to forgive others takes strength. Let go of the guilt for your failures and the resentment for others’ shortcomings. Try your best to move on from past issues that weigh you down. It is part of what keeps you from living in the moment.

3.     Show Appreciation

Appreciating is more than saying, “thank you”. Take time and look at your life. Be grateful for big achievements as well as the small ones. Learn from your failures. Appreciate people and nature. Give yourself credit where it is due. During your busy moments, stop, look around, and count your blessings.

4.     Stop Worrying too Much

Worrying about something eliminates clarity and robs you of the strength to live for the moment. It is a magnifying glass for your problems and failures. It produces nothing but negative feelings and a gloomy future. It kills your hope for tomorrow while robbing you of the ability to enjoy today.

5.     Find and Enjoy Some me-time

You are a busy, hardworking model citizen of this world. It is hard, sometimes, to find some time alone with your thoughts. You find yourself striving to do the next thing on the schedule. What happens though is that you forget to be in the present moment. You are too busy building the future that today stops to exist. Create time for yourself and enjoy it.

6.     Find your Passion

Finding your passion can be a real turnaround. Your life passion helps you live in the present and enjoy life. It also helps reconnect with your inner self. It is your happy place. The only place, if all else fails, you can live in the present.

Final thoughts

Whenever you feel like everything is moving too fast, stop and breathe. Focus on yourself for a while. Slow down and live for now. The future is uncertain. Leave it for when you get there, because you will, eventually.

Lucy Nyambura

Search Engine Optimization Analyst/Content Writer/Editor


This article is not a call to stop doing everything and go into solitude. No. These are a few ways to help you slow down and enjoy the present. Apa tu ndio nimeshika sana


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