3 Things That You Need to Stop Doing To Become Happier & Successful

3 Things That You Need to Stop Doing To Become Happier & Successful

Are you settling for a life that is not giving you true happiness? Does your life give you enough of a high to enjoy each day as if you were unwrapping wonderful gifts and beautiful surprises? If you are not there yet, then let me tell you, you are settling for less than what you deserve.

I myself had been living a mediocre and unaligned life for several years before I got my breakthrough and self realization of what I am capable of and what my mission in life is about. As I realized my true self, I aligned my life towards the BIGGER PURPOSE and started thinking on how can I offer value and contribution in the world. All of us intrinsically have a deeper life purpose but for sometimes it gets buried under the pile of life pressures, social norms, wrong beliefs and self limiting attitudes.

“Only you can take inner freedom away from yourself, or give it to yourself. Nobody else can.”  

— Michael A. Singer, The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself

Today, I am inspired to talk about the list of 3 mistakes people do that let them live a mediocre, unclear and a less meaningful life. If you are really an honest and open minded fellow, you will probably get some breakthroughs which can help you in redesigning your future and get empowered. Let’s talk about them now.

1. Giving Away “The Self Control” to Others

One of the most commonly seen behaviour pattern in all aspects of our life, be it our professional or personal associations is Low or No Self Control to outward stimulus. Many People tend to lose their self control and get carried away when someone pushes their buttons or does something that they don’t assume is appropriate or fair to them. They tend to react based on other person’s actions in order to balance out the equation.

This habitual pattern of "reaction" make people loose their inner power and let the negative emotions overpower and then deviate them from their major goals and purpose. Dr. J. Richard Cookerly, Loveologist, in his famous blog, Healthy Self-Love and Not Giving Your Power Away has pointed out â€“ â€œThose who learn how ‘not to give their power away’ to others or to old, destructive training tend to live more powerfully, enjoyably, effectively and peacefully. They also live more self-directed, healthful lives, and likely are able to do more good for others”

The repercussions of losing your control over situation and acting outrageously makes us uneasy and stressed due to inflow of negative emotions such as resentment, guilt, pain, insult, feeling small and low self esteem. These emotions create mental blockages and fear which intern stop you from coming out of comfort zone and follow your deepest desires.

So, today, ask yourself.

  • Am I giving away my powers to other to control my decisions, behaviors or life choices? If yes, then ask Why?
  • Is this making me feel less about myself?
  • What can I change to start feeling more strong and peaceful?

Self Introspection allows you to accept the current situation and help you to build more clarity around the steps or action needed to change it. Manifestation begins with introspection.

2. Limited Belief around “Money and Abundance”

It’s normal to look at a rich fellow and assume that he was born lucky, or has made excess money by gimmicking people in his business, or he is just extremely smart and has some secret weapon to invade in the land of treasures. But, if we really look deep, we'll see its less about smartness or hardworking but more about mindset around universal abundance.

Tony Robbins in his article, Are you Free from Financial Fear  (https://www.tonyrobbins.com/wealth-lifestyle/emotional-fitness-around-money/) has said “YOUR UNCONSCIOUS BELIEFS ABOUT MONEY ARE KEEPING YOU FROM THE LIFE YOU REALLY WANT” which clearly emphasize on the importance of deeper beliefs you have around money.

  • Do you believe that world is a scarce place and people have to work hard to survive?
  • Have you linked more money with a prudent, arrogant and unethical life?
  • Do you think all the people with more money usually don’t care for people who are not that fortunate?
  • Have you tried to expand your skillset to make yourself more valuable so you can step higher in the ladder?

Answering these questions might open the layers of hidden insecurities around abundance. In reality, life is always supporting you. Universe is abundant and always ready to deliver. It's us who build mental conditioning and create separateness between "I" and "universe".

When you know you are the Universe/Life, you allow yourself to feel it's flow and attract more goodness and abundance.

3. Giving in to your “FEARS”

Fear is the biggest enemy of creativity! It really is.

It holds us back from getting exposed to big and unseen marvelous things which could become a part of your life experience. Everyone I have ever come across has some dreams and visions around their lives such as staring a unicorn business, scaling up to a massive growth, coming out of a negative relationship, traveling the world to experience various cultures and ways of life, leaving current job and finding the dream career, quitting smoking or simply changing the eating habits to have healthy lifestyle, and so on.

As localized conscious energy field in the form of human being, we want to cherish many experiences and fulfill our deeper desires but WE DON'T TAKE ACTIONS to get there.

What is the reason of procrastination? In reality, what hold us back from taking action is FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN.

Human brain doesn’t like Uncertainty and hence it likes to be in the comfort zone.

David Rock, CEO NeuroLeadership Group in his article “A Hunger for Certainty” (https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/your-brain-work/200910/hunger-certainty) mentions “A sense of uncertainty about the future generates a strong threat or ‘alert’ response in your limbic system. Your brain detects something is wrong, and your ability to focus on other issues diminishes. Your brain doesn’t like uncertainty – it’s like a type of pain, something to be avoided. Certainty on the other hand feels rewarding, and we tend to steer toward it, even when it might be better for us to remain uncertain” ..

Ok, now you understand that fear controls our actions to move forward. But, you don’t have to be the slave of your brain’s projections about the future which is primarily based on past mental conditioning (based on the previous experiences and memories stored) rather you can really influence your brain by the “ accessing the power of your subconscious mind”

By using visualization, self affirmations and mindful meditations you can empower and channelize your mind to perceive the situations differently. Your mind is your best asset and it will get you to the desired experiences if you train it to work for you.

Another way is to build UNDYING PASSION AND LOVE for your purpose or conscious goal and make that bigger than the fear. Imagine when you started to walk first, if you would have never taken the first step being afraid of uncertain fall, you would have never been walking or running today. It had happened because you allowed excitement of walk and ability to reach at different places overpower the fear of fall.

You can overcome mental fears, blockages and old patterns of perception and can build new beliefs which will intern impact the brain activity and make new supportive neural pathways.


Our outer life is an expression of our inner being. What we create outside is what we imagine in our head first. Most important thing to change in the midst of a challenge is "yourself". Your mental activity is what creates your destiny. So focus on building a powerful mindset.

So now, you tell me, what is your take on the above pointers? Which one are you struggling the most with? How are you working on yourself to make yourself more successful?

~ Simi Arora

PS- if you are looking for support and guidance to manifest happiness, abundance and massive growth in your professional and personal space, then you can work with me directly. Here is the link to get on the discovery call with me - http://bit.ly/FREE30MinSession

Good one to boost our belief in the lockdown

Neha Agrawal

Public Relations Strategist helping brands increase influencer, impact and credibility through Digital, Communications and PR


The first step towards change is realisation that we need to change we need to improve we need to be better and better and even better it is then the journey starts and life unfolds

Neha Agrawal

Public Relations Strategist helping brands increase influencer, impact and credibility through Digital, Communications and PR


Well interpreted and articulated Simi

Reechaye Dheerendra

Chief Executuve at District Council of Grand Port


The best..3 resolutions..of 2020


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