3 Extracurricular Activities to Enhance: Your Child's Remote Learning Experience
Online Learning

3 Extracurricular Activities to Enhance: Your Child's Remote Learning Experience

Good learners are not born but created over time. All children are born with the innate ability to grasp knowledge. However, there are several external and internal factors that determine whether a child will grow up to become a good learner in the future. With the right amount of motivation, any child can become a good learner.

Before the pandemic, children were habituated to traditional forms of learning. Schools, colleges, and universities followed the traditional setups of face-to-face lectures in a classroom. The blending of offline and online teaching methods was mostly observed at higher levels of education. Even in such a scenario, online teaching was relegated to the background.

But during the lockdown, educational institutions have been encouraging online learning during the pandemic. Internet-based technologies today are used by educational institutions to reach out to and engage students on a daily basis. Even more, than a year later, children have been unable to go back to their physical classrooms. Online learning during the pandemic has become a norm rather than an exception.

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Benefits of Online Learning

Benefits and Issues of Online Learning

In remote learning sessions, issues like lack of enjoyment, and poor relationships with peers and teachers often get magnified along with a lack of participation. This, in turn, hampers their growth into becoming good learners. Learning cannot be limited to only a classroom setup. While a classroom, with a designated teacher, does provide scaffolding and reassurance, learning today needs to extend beyond the online classroom setup.

21st Century learning technologies are tools. When these tools are wielded properly, the child receives several benefits. It aids them to understand their subject matter, introduces them to new opportunities, and has a beneficial effect on a child’s desire and ability to learn.

So, how do we engage children and enhance their remote learning experience? Below we list 3 strategies that you can adopt to enhance your child’s remote learning experience.

Strategy 1 — Online Classes

One of the easiest manners in which you can enhance any child’s remote learning is by enrolling them in online coding classes for kids. Coding, also known as software programming or computer programming is a fun and exciting venture. By enrolling children in online coding classes for kids, parents provide a structured and interactive method of learning to code.

Coding classes for children enable them to be creative problem-solvers who have fun with mathematics and enhance their decision-making skills. Multitasking, improved memory, and better networking ability- are all by-products of having learned coding from a young age. The best part of coding classes for children is their ability to cater to a wide age group- it could be fun-filled game activities for kindergarteners or even to help teenagers learn the basics of robotics.

From unplugged coding activities to learning code on computers, there are a variety of online coding classes for children. Parents can even buy coding toys like robots for kids which are one of the most popular affordable STEM items in the market today. Strong basic knowledge of coding helps children to better acclimatize to coding languages in the future. Interest in coding will help a child not only in the basic stages but can also open up the road to flourishing career prospects in the future.

Strategy 2 — Encourage Reading and Playing Games

Developing a basic reading habit will always encourage children to be better learners. It has been proven beyond doubt, that when a child reads, their vocabulary develops along with their ability to process concepts and formal communications. Reading is a fun activity that focuses on the child’s interests and introduces different forms and methods of learning.

Similar to reading, playing offline games, will recharge a child. Active children gain different health benefits. Their health-related fitness — both physical and mental is often at a higher level than those who are inactive. Indoor games like cards, chess, and scrabble contribute to enriching a child’s life in a variety of ways. A variety of board games are available for children to learn from and apply in real-life situations. Online coding classes for kids also help children to grasp the intricacies of board games like chess.

Strategy 3 — Experiment at Home

Science experiments and other hands-on activities are excellent ways to bring children’s remote studies to life. Parents may explain the science behind these easy experiments and encourage their children to form various hypotheses, create instructions for their experiments and also assess the results. Basic concepts of physics, chemistry, and biology can be explained through a plethora of simple experiments that children love to perform. In case, science is not a strong subject for you, several science experiment kits are available in the market for children to experiment with.

As a parent, the pandemic has been a tough time. Our schedules have changed and we have had to accommodate different things within limited hours. But with gentle encouragement, you can make your child a better learner. By focusing more on their learning and less on their performance, the child will be able to grow in confidence. Celebrate achievements that become a form of positive reinforcement for your child.

Want to give your child the best Online Coding Experience? Contact us at techmentry.com for more information!

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