10 Time Management Tips for the Overwhelmed
Photo by quimono

10 Time Management Tips for the Overwhelmed


We all complain about the lack of time in our schedules, but in reality, it’s a level playing field for everyone. We all have 24 hours. So how do we beat frustrations and time crunches to get more from our day? This list will help you manage the minutes.

 1.       Identify the two or three most important/crucial tasks in your job and make sure you do them first.

2.      Identify the tasks that drain you and ignore in hopes they’ll disappear. Meet them head on and tackle them before they pile up. There is no filing fairy or email elves that come in the middle of the night to do them for you. Scheduling just 15 minutes to file, answer emails, or follow-up phone calls will keep you from floundering later in the day.

3.      Learn to say “no.” Although easier said than done, remember that your time is valuable and constant requests to “help out” distract from your own work. In the end, it doesn’t benefit anyone.

4.      Don’t constantly check your email or cell phone. They’re not going anywhere. Finish the task at hand and check email at regular intervals during the day. Constant multitasking is detrimental to the quality of your work.

5.      Avoid social media and online games. It’s amazing what time wasters these are. The quick check of the newsfeed on Facebook or Twitter can turn into 30 minutes or more.

6.      Take your lunch break. Consistently working through your lunchtime doesn’t make you more productive or the office hero. It brings on afternoon fatigue—mentally and physically. Leave your desk. A change of scenery is good for you. If you can, go outside and enjoy your PB & J.

7.      Make sure to take mini-breaks during the day as well. Your neck, back, and hips will thank you for moving around instead of being glued to a chair. You’ll feel refreshed physically and mentally.

8.      Create boundaries for your off-hours time. We easily fill our evenings with more activities. Event-free evenings give you quality family or solo time to relax. That also means leave your work at the office. Problems of all sorts arise when your work life is always a priority.

9.      Stay creative. Music, crafts, art, writing, gardening, woodworking, puzzles, etc. help us think in different ways and disconnect from frantic activity. For NCIS fans--that's why Gibbs has that boat he's building in the basement of his house.

10.  SLEEP! Disconnect from all electronic devices at least an hour before your bedtime (which should be at a regular hour). Seven to eight hours of sleep each night will help keep you healthy physically and emotionally.

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