From the November issue editorial by AJN's editor-in-chief Carl Kirton DNP, RN, MBA, ANP, FAAN: "Prolonged wait times are merely a symptom of something brewing....When demand rises, simple economic theory dictates that we must increase supply. Although the NP profession is one of the fastest growing, it will take time to solve the myriad supply problems associated with the role, including complexities inherent in NP training and education, securing training sites and willing preceptors, and changing the reimbursement structure for NPs." #nursepractitioners
Great, insightful editorial Carl Kirton DNP, RN, MBA, ANP, FAAN thank for writing and sharing it.
Professor, Department of Graduate Studies in Nursing, Adelphi University College of Nursing and Public Health
1wThank you Carl Kirton DNP, RN, MBA, ANP, FAAN for your AJN Editorial. No matter how one looks at this one heath issue of health equity, many other perspectives come into play. We need to really examine the entire healthcare system as it is broken and not equitable to the stakeholders that it is supposed to serve.