From the course: WordPress Essential Training

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Navigating the dashboard

Navigating the dashboard


- [Instructor] When you first log into your WordPress website, you'll be met with the admin screen, also called the dashboard or the backend, and there are three main areas, the main menu, the dashboard, and the top menu. Let's go over how you'd use these areas when selecting settings and customizing your website. We'll start with the main menu. Dashboard, home brings you to the dashboard or this page that we're looking at now, and dashboard, updates lets you see all the updates that might be currently available. Posts is where you can add posts, manage posts, and manage categories and tags. Posts and pages are different. Posts are a series of pages that may display in a blog or newsletter format. Media is where you can add and manage images, videos, sound files, PDFs, and more. You can upload, manage, and delete them from this screen. Pages is where you can add and manage your website's pages. We'll talk more about the differences between pages and posts later on. Comments is where…
