From the course: UX Foundations: Accessibility

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Setting expectations

Setting expectations


- There are many clues in an interface that help people orient themselves to figure out where they are, what they can do, and what will happen if they click on a link, submit a form, or perform some other action. But what happens when we're faced with the unexpected? We can get easily confused, lost, or even worse, stuck and unable to move forward. We often talk about disability as a usability amplifier, many challenges that a person with a disability face are also challenges for people without disabilities. Their disability amplifies the severity of the issue though, a problem that might slow me down by a few seconds may slow down someone with a disability by a few minutes. What happens when we combine these two? When something unexpected happens it can confuse anyone. When it happens to someone who has a disability, who relies on assistive technology to work their computer the effects can be much more profound. Our responsibility as UX Pros is to always strive for absolute clarity…
