From the course: SketchUp for Architecture

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Sweeps and revolves

Sweeps and revolves


- So this lesson, we are lookin' at sweeps and revolves, so exercise files, if you've got them, it's Chapter 03 02. Otherwise, what you need to do is make a box that's about 1,200 by 1,200 by 1,200. Or four feet by four feet by four feet. And draw a circle, which is 1200 across, 600 radius. This is 1,200 high, though again, that's four feet high, and I've just created some little curves, I've stepped this in to a square, and stepped that back out. This one is subtly different, it comes around as a curve, then comes back out as a curve, just to point out a few subtleties with the way in which this behaves when we revolve it. So, first of all, to create something like this, select the surface, that's defining the path, then use the Follow Me tool, and click on the first bit. Space bar. Click, Follow Me, click. Space bar. Click, Follow Me, click. Space bar, click. Follow me, click. Easy as that, okay? So all we're doing is using the rectangle on the top to define the path. Then, with all…
