From the course: SketchUp for Architecture

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Adding the fridge

Adding the fridge


- Chapter 7_12, adding the fridge. You've got two options, you can either add it from the components. So, if you've already got this loaded then big fridge at the top, click on that and just come down. I've set up the position of the 2D drawing. And then you just drop it into place, like that. So, it just lines up with that bit. So that's the easiest thing. And that would be a very short exercise. If you fancy having a go at making it, it's got a curved surface across the front. That's about the only difference than these units, then follow along. So, I've loaded up the 2D drawing, which is a kitchen unit's side component. And if we haven't got these loaded, then click on the details button, open or create local collection. Chapter seven, modeling the interior fixtures and then chapter seven, components. Select that folder and then these elements will come in. So what we're going to do is use the rectangle tool, and just make sure we've got our layers set correctly. So, interior…
