From the course: Sass Essential Training

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- It's pretty popular to add comments to let people know what's going on with your code. Now, SASS comments have a few interesting features. Here's some samples of what you can do with SASS comment. First, you can use any CSS comments that you want. So, either the regular CSS comments that begin with a slash and a star, and end with a star and a slash can be used, and even the multiline version. These are going to be published to the CSS file, unless you have configured SASS to output in compressed mode. There are some comments that will not output, regardless of what mode you have set things too. And that is JavaScript style comments, which begin with two slashes. This is great because you can write some comments into your code, that nobody will ever see, when they're converted into the final CSS. You can also create some sort of comments that will always publish, regardless of what your settings are. You do that by…
