From the course: Sales Enablement

What is sales enablement?

From the course: Sales Enablement

What is sales enablement?


- As we speak, your top prospects, your best customers have started their next buying process, and they started it without you. They are talking to peers and Googling ideas so that by the time you make the sales call, you're already behind. Sales enablement puts you, the sales professional, in front of your prospects at every step of their buying journey. If you work in sales today, chances are you have heard the term sales enablement. The definition that I think is the most inclusive and descriptive for sales enablement is this one, the strategic process of providing the sales organization with the information, the research, the tools, the training, and the content they need to be even more effective, more effective at finding leads, more effective in engaging prospects, more effective in building their reputations, and more effective in closing deals. To enable your sales team to improve, it might mean getting the right marketing collateral to your sales team at the exact moment they need it. For others, sales enablement might be tools to improve training, coaching, or content. Others might need tools to improve data, prospecting, or market strategy. The goal of sales enablement is to make sales easier and more effective, not to redesign your sales strategy. Join me, Meredith Powell, in my LinkedIn Learning course on using sales enablement to develop your business. Let's get started.
