From the course: Providing Legendary Customer Service

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Reputation management

Reputation management


- An ancient proverb says, "The reputation of a thousand years may be determined by the conduct of one hour." A huge company with a name everyone knew had built its reputation on being trustworthy, honorable, and kind. They were known for employing lots of veterans and even gave them an extra discount on their purchases. A new financial director was hired to increase the company's profit margin. He had lots of ideas and the authority to immediately implement changes. A memo went out to all stores that they would no longer offer these special discounts. They obviously didn't make a big announcement about it. Instead, one by one, they denied the time honored discount. After six months of this, a news story shared the changes in the discount policy, and almost immediately, it became a national story. The company quickly returned to offering the discount, but it took them years to build their business back up and to mend their…
