From the course: Preparing for the GMAT

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- [Instructor] So many of you have probably heard the expression you can't compare apples to oranges shortened to when people just say that's apples to oranges. So this means basically that the two things being discussed are too dissimilar to compare. Well guess what? This concept also applies to grammar. In this video, we'll take a look at the error type called faulty comparison and explain how it works. So, comparisons have to be made between two similar things. So if I said to you the students at Canadian high schools are more interested in community service than American high schools, this is actually a faulty comparison, because I'm comparing the students at Canadian high schools to American high schools. So to correct that, I would have to say, the students at Canadian high schools are more interested in community service than those, IE those students at American high schools. So just remember, if you're comparing something, make sure you're comparing two similar things, and the…
