From the course: PowerPoint: Creating an Infographic

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- [Instructor] Well, we've reached the end of this course. And if you've been following along, you are probably ready to start playing around in PowerPoint, creating your own infographics, which means you'll likely need to purchase some assets. Here are a few popular sites to find royalty-free stock photography, including vector images, icons, and infographic elements that you can use in your own designs. Each site will have their own unique subscription and plan pricing. Now, I've used all three of these sites over the years for a variety of different projects. The icons for this course came from Adobe Stock, but my personal preference though is for Shutterstock, as they tend to have a larger selection of technical photos and icons, and that's the kind of work I do more often than not. I also like iStock photo best for contract work, as their licensing interface is a bit easier to work with than some of the other sites. Now, these next three sites are great for people on a strict…
