From the course: Microphone Techniques: Essentials

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- Now when we consider impedance on a microphone this Shure SM57 says it's impedance is 150 ohms. Most microphones that are professional microphones have a balanced output anywhere from 50 ohms up to 1,000 ohms. Almost all of them fit between 50 ohms and 600 ohms. What we need to take away from that information is just that we connect those microphones to inputs that are also low impedance inputs. Those impedance's don't need to match exactly. In fact, for a 150 ohm microphone output, you might see a spec that says it's ideal to connect it to a 1500 ohm input. 1500 ohm input is still low impedance. High impedance starts around 10 or 20,000 ohms and it doesn't work to connect low impedance devices with high impedance inputs, or vice versa, high impedance devices with low impedance inputs. There are some pre empts that actually let you set the the pre empt input impedance manually so that you can specifically match the pre empt input to the microphone output.
