From the course: Microphone Techniques: Essentials

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Frequency variations

Frequency variations


- [Narrator] It's important to keep in mind that not all frequencies share the same pick up pattern on the same microphone. Typically, it's one kilohertz that defines the overall shape of the polar pattern but some frequencies might have omnidirectional patterns and others might have a completely different shape. Notice on this polar graph that there are two sides. And each side's considered to be symmetric across the zero degree line. So let's look at this microphone that essentially has a hypercardioid polar pattern but if we look at the 16 kilohertz line which is the dotted line on this side, it's pretty much omnidirectional. It doesn't really reject much from behind the microphone. So that microphone at 16 kilohertz won't reject much sound no matter which direction is comes from. We can also look at the eight kilohertz line which is this line right here. And that's really a different shaped pick up pattern. It's nothing like the one kilohertz line and it's nothing like the 16…
