From the course: Managing Your Sales Territory

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- The subject of networking could in and of itself be a topic for a much longer course. Salespeople understand that developing and maintaining a network of people who can refer and be referred to business is vital to their success. There are few things nicer than when you get a call from a networking partner who says "I've got a great lead for you." In this course, we will speak specifically around the topics of being involved in your territory and using this to build out a network. In an earlier video, I spoke about being the mayor. You do that by being involved in the community and being seen at events that are important to business owners in that community. The next stage is to start creating a network of people within that community as well. Networking can, for some, be a somewhat awkward endeavor. It's interesting that some salespeople who love being in front of prospects actually have a hard time creating a great network. The reason for this is that we are likely approaching…
