From the course: Learning Node.js

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- [Instructor] Lets take a look at the first web framework for Node. We'll head over to If we scroll down a bit, we can see it has support for web applications and web APIs. But first, what is a web application? There might some confusion around its definition. Is is something for the front end or something for the back end? When I think of apps, I think of things that run in your browser or mobile devices. But those apps often need to talk to a server. For example, to log users in or get a list of data to display, etc. One way to think of it is that a web app has some functionality on the front end and some on the back end. The app, as a whole, is distributed across both front and back end. Imagine Twitter without being able to get any tweets from its back end? That being said, Express.js runs within Node and Node is something just for the back end. But it contributes to the app as a whole which will talk to the back end. As mentioned before, there is a lot of…
