From the course: Learning Moodle

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Manage your dashboard

Manage your dashboard - Moodle Tutorial

From the course: Learning Moodle

Manage your dashboard


- [Host] We've taken the time to set up the basic structure of our Moodle course and then we've added some activities and resources. Right now, I'm inside of my course Effective Team Communication and as I scroll down, you'll see we have our introduction section, communication methods, effective meetings, and so on. In this video, I want to go over how you can manage your dashboard which I believe is a very important concept. Now, there may be times that you don't want students to see a specific thing that's on the platform. You can adjust that. So let's say for instance that if I scroll down some of the later units that I have here, I don't want students to be able to see them yet when they access the course page. Well, in order to do this I'm going to go to the top and turn editing on. I'll scroll down to these sections, let's say Visual Communications. And to the right of that, I have this three dot icon. From…
