From the course: Learning Java 11

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Exploring the command line

Exploring the command line - Java Tutorial

From the course: Learning Java 11

Exploring the command line


- [Instructor] The command line is a commonly used tool that can be used to build and run Java programs. Before we use it with our Java programs, we need to talk more about what the command line actually is. The command line acts as a user interface that we can use to interact with a computer. Usually, when you want to open a folder or run an application, you use your mouse to click each item open. When we use our mouse, we are using the computers graphical user interface. We are using the graphics, what the computer is displaying with pixels to interact with the computer. The command line I mentioned earlier is just another way we can interact with the computer. The difference is instead of clicking and dragging, we can type in commands. On Mac, we can access the built-in command line by opening the terminal program. We can go to Spotlight Search and type in terminal, hit enter and this will open the program for us.…
