From the course: Learning Design Thinking

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- Planning in a product design organization of any size and shape can be challenging. Challenging to be able to paint a picture of a future state and break those down into tangible steps. Super challenging to also ensure that your customers will be happy with the outcome of those plans. How might design thinking help with your product planning? For a moment, let's step away together from product design. Let's say you decide that you want to build a chicken coop for your local community garden. You get the leaders together, and you start talkin' about budget. You walk the area together, talking about the size of the coop that you might be able to fit there. You start making a list of materials for a structure of that size and shape. You schedule some weekends and evenings for volunteers to get together and construct it. You identify some folks with construction skills. All sounds pretty logical, right? But what about the…
