From the course: InDesign Secrets

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375 Script editing for nonscripters

375 Script editing for nonscripters - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign Secrets

375 Script editing for nonscripters


- [Instructor] InDesign comes with a lot of scripts. And they are fantastic. I know that we've talked a lot about different scripts in this series but sometimes a script doesn't do exactly what you want. And in this tip I want to show you how simple it is to get into that script and tinker with it even if you don't know the last thing about JavaScript. So here's an example that just happened to me. I wanted to create an image catalog which I know is one of the scripts inside the Application folder. If you twirl open JavaScript you'll find one called ImageCatalog. In fact I think David did a tip all about using ImageCatalog. What it does is it lets you point to a folder full of images and it creates a new document on the fly adding pages as needed, adding all those images. The images that I want are right here. I have a folder with 10 images from a trip that I took to Cuba. So I come back over here and I run ImageCatalog. And it says select the folder containing the images which is…
