From the course: Freelancing Tips

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Essential software tools for freelancers

Essential software tools for freelancers

From the course: Freelancing Tips

Essential software tools for freelancers


- There's never been a better, easier time to run a freelance business. With the tools available, you can spend more time doing the work your clients need, while spending less money doing it. I'm going to walk you through six must-haves for your business, and some specific tools you can use for each of them. We'll start with an obvious one, your website. At the very least, it acts as a virtual business card that people can find on their own, and at best, it can generate new leads and sales for you without much effort. There are several tools to help you build your website, including WordPress, Squarespace, Shopify, and more. Another must-have is a place to take notes. When you start talking to potential clients, you'll want to jot down their contact info and keep notes on the conversation. You can use a customer relationship management tool, or CRM for that, like HubSpot or Zoho. Excel or Google Sheets can work as well. Next, let's talk about getting you paid. Every freelancer needs…
