From the course: Ethical Hacking: Cryptography (2019)

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Cryptographic key escrow

Cryptographic key escrow


- [Instructor] Government Access Keys, commonly referred to simply as GAK, is the act of giving government full or partial access to your encryption and decryption keys. Now, the idea here is that you're not giving them full use of those keys in all circumstances. Those keys are only to be used or released in specific circumstances when a court warrant has been issued. This is what's known as a type of key escrow. This can also give access to keys in the event that a company has shut down or no longer exists. So think of a company that is using a key to encrypt information on someone's computer. In the event that that company goes out of existence, the government may have need to access data that has been encrypted by that software. If the company is no longer there, the government has no recourse through use of a court warrant to receive that key. So key escrow is also a way of future-proofing in the event that a company…
