From the course: Developing Visual Campaigns

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Brainstorming timelines

Brainstorming timelines


- [Instructor] One of the absolute hardest things to identify when developing a visual campaign is the timeline. You will be producing multiple pieces of content, and to juggle it all, we'll need your client and their stakeholders to all agree to an airtight timeline. Assuming they have deadlines that cannot be missed, of course. Identifying the timeline is part of your pitch. Expect changes to it. So don't go too much into detail on your initial pitch, so that you can avoid having to rework it too much. As trite as it is, one of my favorite tools when discussing timelines with clients is the value pyramid, which relates very well to creative services, like a visual campaign. I explain to clients up front that they can get things good and fast, but they won't be cheap. They can get projects cheap and fast, but they won't be good. And they can get projects good and cheap, but they won't be fast. Regardless of where your client falls on the value pyramid, it's important to provide a…
