From the course: Communicating Employee Rewards

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Involve employees

Involve employees


- I just love it when people tell me exactly what I need without asking me anything, don't you? I doubt it, and I doubt your employees like it either. If you're watching this video, it's probably because you care about educating your employees about everything your organization has to offer, but if they aren't involved in co-creating what you're offering, you've already lost them. In another video I talked about surveying your employees to find out how much they know and care about your current total rewards program. That's a great starting point, but how else can you collaborate? Try holding an all staff meeting and ask your employees this one question. What do you value most? Break them up into groups of three or four and give them 10 minutes to brainstorm some answers. Then, ask each group to share their answers as you write them on a whiteboard or type them on a projected document. What's neat about this exercise is people will all see how similar their requests are, and you can…
