From the course: Communicating Employee Rewards

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Create a plan

Create a plan


- Baseball hall of famer, Yogi Berra, is credited for saying if you don't know where you're going, you might wind up somewhere else. Pull up the exercise file for this video. I've created a worksheet that will help you figure out where you're going. I don't want you to wind up somewhere else. Let's walk through the seven steps to creating your total rewards communication strategy. Step one, write in your unique value proposition. This is like your thesis statement. It's one sentence that indicates what makes your total rewards program unique and valuable to your workforce. Step two, brainstorm what rewards you're communicating about and be sure to focus on education and collaboration. For example, one of your key messages might be that you're planning to update the lunchroom. You have to inform your employees that the lunchroom will be closed for six months during remodeling but also figure out how to collaborate with them. Do they want couches? What kinds of free snacks do they want…
