From the course: Cert Prep: Scrum Master

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Sprint review

Sprint review


- While the daily scrum is intended for the scrum team to inspect and adapt within the sprint, the sprint review is the inspect and adapt event for the scrum team and their key stakeholders. During this event the product increment is the subject of inspection and adaptation. This event is held at the end of the sprint. While it's not the last event in the sprint, it's the second to last. Most teams try to schedule this event during the afternoon of the last day of the sprint. By doing this, they can maximize time in the morning to finalize the product increment that will be shared in the sprint review. I've created a sprint review guide for you in the Exercise Files, so you can make sure you're hitting all the important points. It's important to note that the event is meant to be informal. As such, the focus is on collaboration about what was done in the sprint, learnings from the sprint, and adapting the backlog based on those learnings. Throughout the event, questions are encouraged…
