From the course: Cert Prep: Scrum Master

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Shared resources

Shared resources


- Scrum practice strongly recommends that a development team will have all the skills on it that are needed to get the product done. However, sometimes it's not possible to have all the necessary skills dedicated to your team. So in this instance, Scrum allows the usage of shared resources. Perhaps you only need a specific skill for a short period of time. An example is the need for a security engineer for a customer website the team is building. You may only need this skillset early in the project as the development team is working through their security design. Another example is perhaps the development team will intermittently need a database analyst, or DBA, off and on throughout the project. In both of these cases, as the PO and development team identify and ad PBIs to the backlog to represent this work, you can begin letting those people know the timing of the team's need. Having these shared resources come in and out of the project can cause disruption to team dynamics, so the…
