From the course: Cert Prep: Scrum Master

Scrum master role


- The most important thing to know about a scrum master is to recognize that the role is not the same as a project manager. The role isn't focused on defining a schedule, assigning tasks, and managing the work until it's done. The scrum master is only a manager, in that this person is managing the scrum process. As the process owner for scrum, this role provides a great balance between the development team and their key business stakeholder, the product owner. Let's look at some of the ways a scrum master does this. The scrum master helps the product owner stay within the process framework. They do this by first helping the product owner ensure the backlog is in good order and ready for the next sprint. Second, they also ensure the product owner doesn't demand too much from the team in any sprint. Next, the scrum master helps the development team perform at the highest level possible. That's a really broad statement, and obviously this takes many forms in practice. First, the scrum master protects the development team from outside distractions. That means being aware of what the development team members are working on and running interference if a team member's manager is asking them to do work outside of the product backlog. These conversations are not always easy, but it's the job of the scrum master to resolve these distractions. The second aspect of protecting the development team falls into the category of protecting them from itself. What I mean by this is that sometimes there will be pressure to overcommit to how much work the development team can do within a sprint. A key hallmark of the Agile Manifesto is that development teams strive to attain a sustainable pace. When a development team overcommits, they're outside the boundaries of agile and scrum. The scrum master will identify the signs of overcommitment and hold the development team accountable to rightsizing their sprint commitment. Third, the scrum master protects the development team from complacency. Sometimes when development teams have been together for awhile and they're feeling comfortable, they stop looking for ways to improve their activities and interactions. When this happens, the scrum master needs to help the development team identify further growth areas. Sometimes the development team can undercommit to sprints. This is another form of complacency. When the scrum master sees this behavior, it's their duty to push the development team to complete the most work they can with high quality. Finally, the scrum master owns the scrum framework itself. You might wonder what that means. Well, as the process owner, scrum masters can make changes to the scrum processes. They'll accept the development team's input on process changes, but ultimately the decisions on process lie with them. The scrum master will only make changes that remain in alignment with the scrum philosophy and values. For example, I once had a development team that only wanted to hold sprint reviews with our customers every other sprint. I considered their request and declined to make the change. Why? Well, the change was a simple one to make. That much time between demonstrating and getting feedback on our work would not have been in the best interest of the development team, the product owner, or the product. So while the scrum master has no direct authority over development team members, they do have autonomy and authority over the process. When you stay grounded in the scrum framework and lead your development teams to their highest performance, great things happen. You'll help them attain the best implementation of scrum.
