From the course: Cert Prep: Scrum Master

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Backlog ordering

Backlog ordering


- Clearly the product backlog is an essential artifact in the Scrum Framework, but it's not enough to just have a backlog. It's critical that the product owner maintain the backlog so the team is always working on the right PBIs. Maintaining the backlog has two defined steps. The first is backlog refinement. This is the ongoing process where the PO and their delegates progressively refine the requirements for the product. Second, this process is supplemented with a backlog refinement event. This helps the whole Scrum Team understand what's needed and why. This information then informs decisions on what's really needed in the product. This knowledge is what the product owner uses to order the backlog. The PO is expected to keep the backlog maintained with the highest value items at the top. In this way, if something happens and the team has to stop work on the product, valuable work is always produced and their efforts haven't been wasted. So, when the PO orders the product backlog…
