Wyoming – The Cowboy State

Wyoming Postcard

Greetings from Wyoming Postcard. Available at Legends’ General Store.


Wyoming has everything from open grasslands to the spectacular scenery of the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone National Park. Visit the Shoshone National Forest or the Eastern Great Plains. No matter where you go, this large state is beautiful and breathtaking.

In addition to Wyoming’s beautiful scenery, the state allows you to explore history dating back to prehistoric roaming tribes almost 12,000 years ago. From the nomadic Indians to the days of the Old West, Wyoming provides a rich experience of scenic trails, military forts, and several ghost towns that dot the landscape.

Travel the path of historic miners, cowboys, and frontier pioneers as you explore the state’s natural wonders, view its abundant wildlife, and visit its many national forests and state parks.

Enjoy your travels in Wyoming, and welcome to the Cowboy State.


Kathy R. Weiser-Alexander

Grand Teton Barn

Barn in front of the Grand Tetons, Jon Sullivan.

Wyoming Flag – A bison on a blue field bordered in white and red. The state seal is branded on the bison. The woman represents the state motto, “Equal Rights,” and the two men represent cattle ranchers and miners. The words “Livestock,” “Mines,” “Grains,” and “Oil” represent Wyoming’s wealth. The eagle and shield show support for the United States. The dates 1869 and 1890 tell when Wyoming was organized as a territory of the United States and when it became a state.


Atlantic City Mercantile

Atlantic City Mercantile, late 1800’s


Devil's Tower

Devil’s Tower by Kathy Alexander.


Frontier Days in Cheyenne, Wyoming by Carol Highsmith.

Frontier Days in Cheyenne, Wyoming by Carol Highsmith.


Old Faithful, Yellowstone National Park by Kathy Alexander.

Old Faithful, Yellowstone National Park by Kathy Alexander.


Arapaho – Great Buffalo Hunters of the Plains

Atlantic City – Booming & Busting For More Than A Century

Bighorn Medicine Wheel in Lovell

Bill Booth – A Notorious Slayer in Wyoming

The Bozeman Trail – A Violent Path to the Gold Fields

Adventures on the Bozeman Trail

Buffalo Bill Cody – Trapper, Trader, and American Frontiersman

Cattle Kate – Mystery of a Lynching

Colorado River – A Hardworking Waterway

Deep Rut Hill and the Guernsey State Park

Discovery of the Rocky Mountains

Fort Bridger State Historic Site

Fort Fetterman – Headquartering the Black Hills Campaign

Fort Laramie – Crossroads to the West

Fort Laramie Treaty

Fort Phil Kearney – Lost to the Indians

Ghostly Legends of Cheyenne

Ghost Towns of Wyoming

Grand Teton National Park

The Grattan Fight – Beginning the Indian Wars on the Northern Plains

Haunted Ivy House Inn in Casper, Wyoming

Historic & Haunted Sheridan Inn

Historic Plains Hotel in Cheyenne

Hole-In-The-Wall – Outlaw Hideout

Indian War Battles, Skirmishes & Massacres in Wyoming

Jackson Hole Valley at the Base of the Tetons

James Averell – Unjustly Hanged

Jim Moore – Notable Pony Express Rider & Rancher

Jay Em – Barely Holding On

Johnson County War

Lynching of Big Steve Long

Miners Delight – Tumbling in the Forest

Nez Perce National Historic Trail

Oregon Trail – Pathway to the West

The Oregon-California Trail Across Wyoming

Pony Express – Fasted Mail Across the West

Quirky Wyoming

The Death Ship of the Platte River

Jackalopes in Wyoming – Myth or Reality?

Little People of Wyoming & the Pedro Mountain Mummy

Monument to a Prostitute in Lusk

Outlaw Big Nose George Becomes a Pair of Shoes

Register Cliff – Historic Guestbook on the Plains

Riot in Rock Springs Leads to Massacre

Rocky Mountain Rendezvous

Tom Horn – Wyoming Killer for Hire

The Sheep Eaters of Wyoming

The Shoshone – Continuing the Traditions of Their Ancestors

South Pass – Gateway to the West

South Pass City – An Authentic Ghost Town

The Trappers’ Trail

Wyoming Postcards

Wyoming Credits & Contributors

Wyoming Forts of the Old West

Wyoming Photo Gallery

Wyoming Time Line

Yellowstone National Park

© Kathy Alexander/Legends of America, updated August 2024.