Ghost Stories of Missouri


Landers, Theater, Springfield, Missouri

The Landers Theater in Springfield, Missouri hosts several restless spirits of the past.

Benton County Ghosts

Columbia Hauntings

Devil’s Promenade & Hornet Spook Light

Haunted Bissell Mansion in St. Louis

How The Crime Was Revealed – A Legend

Jesse James Farm, Kearney

Ghosts of the Bethlehem Cemetery, St. Louis

Ghosts of Greater St. Louis

Haunted Springfield

Historic Elms Hotel in Excelsior Springs

Independence Hauntings

The Legend of Bone Hill in Levasy

Lemp Mansion – St. Louis

Missouri State Penitentiary in Jefferson City

St. Louis Area Legends & Folklore

The entity of "Fast Jack" is said to have been spied in several places in the prison.

The entity of “Fast Jack” is said to have been spied in several places in Missouri State Penitentiary in Jefferson City

The Union Missouri Haunting

Wilson Creek & the Bloody Hill Ghosts


How fading are the ghosts we dote upon!

Like apparitions seen and gone.

John Norris, The Mediation