Organization of the Department of Justice
The Department of Justice is headed by the Deputy Minister, who provides advice and support to the Minister and acts as the main interface between the political and administrative functions of government.
The Department of Justice is a medium-sized department with around 5,000 employees. Roughly one half of departmental staff are lawyers. The other half is made up of a broad range of professionals, including paralegals, social scientists, program managers, communications specialists, administrative services personnel, computer service professionals, and financial officers.
The Department delivers services through a mix of co-located departmental legal services units, specialized branches located within the Department of Justice and a network of six regional offices located across the country.
The organizational structure chart provides an overview of how the Department is organized, and it includes the names of those who occupy key leadership positions.
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- Minister and Attorney General of Canada, The Honourable Arif Virani, P.C., M.P.
- Federal Ombudsperson for Victims of Crime, Benjamin Roebuck
- Deputy Minister and Deputy Attorney General of Canada, Shalene Curtis-Micallef
- Associate Deputy Minister, Isabelle T. Jacques
- Associate Deputy Minister, Samantha Maislin Dickson
- Ombuds, Ombuds and Informal Resolution Services Office, Sonya Kim St-Julien
- Chief General Counsel, Chris Rupar
- Chief Audit and Evaluation Executive, Tricia Goulbourne
- Director General, Communications, Shirley Anne Off
- SADM, Policy Sector, Owen Ripley
- ADM, Indigenous Rights and Relations Portfolio, Laurie Sargent
- ADM, Public Safety, Defence and Immigration Portfolio, Alain Langlois
- ADM, Tax Law Services Portfolio, Jade Boucher
- ADM, Business and Regulatory Law Portfolio, Michael Sousa
- ADM, Central Agencies Portfolio, Riri Shen
- ADAG National Litigation Sector, Lynn Lovett
- ADM, Public Law and Legislative Services Sector, Sarah Geh
- ADM and CFO, Management Sector, Bill Kroll
- Counsel to the Clerk of the Privy Council and ADM, Privy Council Office (PCO) Legal Services Sector, Jodie van Dieen
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