
User Flow Optimization
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There was some error while sending your message.
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User Flow Optimization

Creating the right flow to ensure conversions

1 User Flow Optimization

User flow optimization is the process of ensuring that visitors to your website complete the flow you designed, meaning that they start off at point A, continue to point B and conclude their journey at point C. Getting users to continue through the flow is one of the most important steps you can take to optimize your site and is also one of the most neglected.

The first step in user flow optimization is understanding the flow itself. This means getting the proper analytics and events tracking enabled on your website. Do people start with a blog post, check out your products, leave a lead, and then buy only after you’ve sent them an email? Or do they usually go straight to the products page and buy immediately?

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Next, we harness our emotional research to figure out what users need in order to continue. As part of each project we perform in-depth emotional research to formulate a psychological strategy. At each step of the funnel, we make sure the messaging is consistent according to our emotional profiling.

Coupling the emotional research with analytics and event tracking, we can determine the sequence of steps that are most effective for each market segment. Without technically sound tracking properly set up and utilized, this process can’t be data driven.

Then, once we’ve identified what works, we’ll optimize the flow by taking out the friction points and adding in the right encouragement for your flow to operate as intended.

Our goal in flow optimization is to seal all the cracks in your funnel. When people fall out, you lose business.

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Learn more about user flow optimization:

  1. Using the emotional power of color to increase conversion
  2. How and where to start optimizing
  3. Conversion optimization statistics you must know