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legal ethics: References & Edit History

Additional Reading

Leading texts on legal ethics include Geoffrey C. Hazard, Jr., and W. William Hodes, The Law and Ethics of Lawyering, 4th ed. (2005); and American Law Institute, Restatement of the Law, the Law Governing Lawyers, 2 vol. in 1 (2001). Important scholarly studies of ethical practices of the U.S. legal profession are David Luban, Lawyers and Justice: An Ethical Study (1988); Robert L. Nelson, David M. Trubeck, and Rayman L. Solomon (eds.), Lawyers’ Ideals/Lawyers’ Practices: Transformations in the American Legal Profession (1992); Deborah L. Rhode, In the Interests of Justice: Reforming the Legal Profession (2000); William H. Simon, The Practice of Justice: A Theory of Lawyers’ Ethics (1998); and Richard Wasserstrom, “Lawyers as Professionals: Some Moral Issues,” Human Rights, 5:1 (1975).

Systems of legal ethics around the world are treated in John J. Barcelo and Roger C. Cramton (eds.), Lawyers’ Practice and Ideals: A Comparative View (1999); Jens Drolshammer and Michael Pfeifer (eds.), The Internationalization of the Practice of Law (2001); Louise G. Trubeck and Jeremy Cooper (eds.), Educating for Justice Around the World: Legal Education, Legal Practice and the Community (1999). The challenges posed by globalization are the subject of Sydney M. Cone, International Trade in Legal Services: Regulation of Lawyers and Firms in Global Practice (1996; originally published as The Regulation of Foreign Lawyers, 1980).

William P. Alford