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valence band


Learn about this topic in these articles:


  • Color wheel
    In colour: Pure semiconductors

    …full lower band, called the valence band, and an exactly empty upper band, the conduction band. Because there are no electron energy levels in the gap between the two bands, the lowest energy light that can be absorbed corresponds to arrow A in the figure; this represents the excitation of…

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electrical conduction

  • electric force between two charges
    In electricity: Conductors, insulators, and semiconductors

    …by electrons is the valence band. In a conductor, the valence band is partially filled, and since there are numerous empty levels, the electrons are free to move under the influence of an electric field; thus, in a metal the valence band is also the conduction band. In an insulator,…

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electronic conductivity of glass

  • Figure 2: The irregular arrangement of ions in a sodium silicate glass.
    In industrial glass: Electronic conduction

    …specific energy levels known as valence and conduction bands. As the temperature is raised, some electrons from the valence band are able to jump across to the conduction band, thus contributing to what is known as the intrinsic conductivity of the atom. In extrinsic semiconductivity, on the other hand, electrons…

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  • energy levels of a luminescent centre
    In luminescence: Mechanism of luminescence

    …to be found on the valence band, whereas they reach the conduction band after sufficient excitation. The energy difference between the valence band and the conduction band corresponds to photons in the ultraviolet or still shorter wavelength region. Additional energy levels are introduced by activator ions or centres bridging the…

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photoemission and energy states

  • In photoelectric effect: Photoelectric principles

    …material is known as the valence band, and the degree to which it is filled largely determines the material’s electrical conductivity. In a typical conductor (metal), the valence band is about half filled with electrons, which readily move from atom to atom, carrying a current. In a good insulator, such…

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semiconductor devices

  • Balmer series of hydrogen
    In spectroscopy: X-ray detectors

    …number of electrons from its valence band to the conduction band. The electrons in the conduction band and the holes in the valence band are collected and measured, with the amount of charge collected being proportional to the energy of the X-ray photon. Extremely pure germanium crystals have an energy…

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  • detector output connected to a measuring circuit
    In radiation measurement: Semiconductor detectors

    …have an energy in the valence band. At any given time, a few electrons will have gained sufficient thermal energy to have broken loose from localized sites and are called conduction electrons; their energy lies in a higher conduction band. Since some energy must be expended in freeing an electron…

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  • conductivities
    In semiconductor device: Electronic properties

    …filled band is called the valence band. The next higher band is the conduction band, which is separated from the valence band by an energy gap. This energy gap, also called a bandgap, is a region that designates energies that the electrons in the semiconductor cannot possess. Most of the…

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solar cells

  • electron hole: movement
    In materials science: Photovoltaics

    …to jump from the lower-energy valence band to the higher-energy conduction band. The electrons in the conduction band and the holes they have left behind in the valence band are both mobile and can be induced to move by a voltage. The electron motion, and the movement of holes in…

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