
Copyright Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
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1 copyright /ˈkɑːpiˌraɪt/ noun
plural copyrights
1 copyright
plural copyrights
Britannica Dictionary definition of COPYRIGHT
: the legal right to be the only one to reproduce, publish, and sell a book, musical recording, etc., for a certain period of time
2 copyright /ˈkɑːpiˌraɪt/ verb
copyrights; copyrighted; copyrighting
2 copyright
copyrights; copyrighted; copyrighting
Britannica Dictionary definition of COPYRIGHT
[+ object]
: to get a copyright for a book, musical recording, etc., for a certain period of time
3 copyright /ˈkɑːpiˌraɪt/ adjective
3 copyright
Britannica Dictionary definition of COPYRIGHT
always used before a noun
: of or relating to a copyright
: not allowed to be copied without permission from the author, composer, etc.