The American Film Institute is committed to complying with all requirements as set forth by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (âTitle IXâ). As such, discrimination on the basis of sex or gender will not be tolerated in any of AFIâs facilities, education programs or activities. Such discrimination includes but is not limited to: sexual harassment; sexual violence; sex or gender-based bullying; hazing; stalking; dating violence, domestic violence, and failure to provide equal opportunity in admissions, enrollment, activities, employment or athletics.
AFIâs Title IX Coordinator will be informed of, and oversee, all complaints of sex discrimination and sexual misconduct, and is responsible for identifying and addressing any patterns or systemic problems that arise during the review of such complaints. Questions or concerns regarding American Film Institute and Title IX may be directed to one or more of the following resources:
Title IX Coordinator
Denise TrimbleSmith
WB 104
[email protected]
Deputy Title IX Coordinator â Fellows
Dr. Syreeta Greene
Manor House 201
[email protected]
Deputy Title IX Coordinator â Employees
Carolina Perez
WB 104
[email protected]
United States Department of Education Office for Civil Rights
Phone: (800) 421-3481
Email: [email protected]
The American Film Institute will make every effort to successfully complete the grievance process for complaints of sex/gender discrimination in a reasonable time. All parties involved are entitled to request and receive periodic status updates on the progress of a complaint and any subsequent appeals.
During the investigation and/or grievance process for complaints of sex/gender discrimination, AFI may take several interim actions in order to ensure the preservation of a reporting partyâs school experience and the overall campus environment. These actions may include but are not limited to: issuance of campus no contact order to the parties of the complaint; changes in academic schedules or assignments for one or both parties; and/or interim suspension of the accused person/responding party.
To read more about Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, please visit:
Report Sexual Misconduct
Please use form link below to report any of the following situations or circumstances: Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, Stalking, or other forms of Sexual Misconduct.