Recent papers in Varangians
в отечественной науке роль варягов в образовании древнерусского государства оценивается весьма высоко, в частности у исследователей уже практически не вызывает сомнений скандинавское происхождение самой княжеской династии Рюриковичей.... more
Published in Henriette Lyngstrøm & Lasse C. A. Sonne (eds), Vikingetidens aristokratiske miljøer (Aristocratic Circles in the Viking Age, Copenhagen 2014, pp. 69-76) The text takes its point of departure in the fact that from the 9th to... more
Resumen: El Cantar de Oleg el Previsor es uno de los poemas más conocidos de Aleksandr S. Pushkin (1799-1837), el poeta nacional ruso por excelencia que se enmarca dentro del romanticismo ruso. En 1822 escribe el Cantar como parte de una... more
Nikolái Roerich fue un destacado pintor ruso de principios del siglo XX que contaba con un profundo interés por el pasado remoto de su nación. Es conocido principalmente por su colaboración con Stravinsky en el ballet Rito de primavera,... more
En el año 922, un emisario del califa de Bagdad se encontró con un grupo de comerciantes vikingos en el curso alto del Volga. Como parte de su misión diplomática, Ahmad Ibn Fadlan recogió por escrito todo lo que observó y vivió durante su... more
The article looks at the North-East European cultural borderlands in the 9th–11th centuries from the point of view of kinship studies. The author proposes a new etymology of the ethnonym Rus’ which he derives from the Old Russian kinship... more
Массивные золотые браслеты эпохи викингов с несомкнутыми или «завязанными» концами хорошо известны в восточноевропейских кладах. Классическими следует считать находки из Киева (клады у Пустынно-Никольского монастыря 1851 г., в усадьбе .... more
On common misunderstandings in the etymology of the Russian word "varjagi".
A Skandináviából kirajzó vikingek már a IX. század elején behatoltak a mai orosz területekre, ahol megtelepedtek és kereskedni vagy éppen fosztogatni kezdtek a közlekedésre használható nagy folyók mentén (összefoglalóan: .,... more
Video talk: #Byzanzforschung, #IMAFO, #ÖAW This one hour video talk provides an overview of the connections between the Byzantine Empire and early medieval Scandinavia. It discusses the linkages by trade and... more
This book is the history of the Eastern Vikings, the Rus and the Varangians, from their earliest mentions in the narrative sources to the late medieval period, when the Eastern Vikings had become stock figures in Old Norse Romances. A... more
Το θέμα του βιβλίου, αν και σημαντικό για την εξέλιξη της ιστορίας του μεσαιωνικού ελληνισμού δεν είναι και τόσο γνωστό στην ελληνική ιστοριογραφία. Οι ιστορικές πηγές του βρίσκονται πολύ μακριά-τοπικά και τροπικά-από τους έλληνες... more
I diritti di riproduzione, memorizzazione e archiviazione elettronica, pubblicazione con qualsiasi mezzo analogico o digitale (comprese le copie fotostatiche, i supporti digitali e l'inserimento in banche dati) e i diritti di traduzione e... more
Ця книга — критичний огляд біографії норвезького короля Гаральда Сігурдссона Суворого (1015–1066). На основі даних писемних, археологічнихі нумізматичних джерел проаналізовано свідчення скандинавських саг іпоезії скальдів. У книзі... more
The paper sums up the hitherto knowledge of sword belts from the 9th and 10th centuries in central and western Europe. Sword belts were of a relatively heterogeneous appearance. We can distinguish three main types: sets with trefoil... more The article traces the history of the relationship between the Nordic and Mediterranean worlds, from the Viking age to the time of the Crusades (9th-12th century), reconstructing the... more
Mercenary soldiers were widespread in medieval Europe and the Near East during the Middle Ages. Probably the most famous example of them remains the Varangian Guard, an elite imperial unit that Byzantine Emperor Basil II (976-1025 CE)... more
Viking Age remains displaying a number of distinct similarities stand in strategic locations along the Eastern trade routes from Birka to Kiev. They consist of fortified settlements with many Scandinavian features and a considerable... more
To understand the history of Gotland, the home of the Varangians, one must fully realize that Gotland was an independent Merchant Farmers’ Republic, and the hub of the Baltic Sea region, which from time immemorial had its relations mainly... more
To understand the history of Gotland, the home of the Varangians, one must fully realize that Gotland was an independent Merchant Farmers’ Republic, and the hub of the Baltic Sea region, which from time immemorial had its relations mainly... more
Published in Byzantium and the Viking World (Studia Byzantina Upsaliensia, 16), eds. Fedir Androsjtsjuk, Jonathan Shepard & Monica White, Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet, 345-62.
Around the year 700 travelling Radhanites (later known as Jewish merchants) from Khazaria had founded Kiev (Turkish for “beach settlement”) at the Dnieper River. The place was during the 700s and 800s an outpost for the Khazar Kha-... more
Excavations of martial structures of the Viking Age trading post of Birka have uncovered new evidence of contacts between Scandinavia and the early Magyar settlement territory. These new finds have led to a revision of the finds in the... more
The text was the result of an international colloquy held in Vordingborg from 23 to 25 of October 2006, marking the opening of the EU-Intereg IIIa project: "Kulturlandskaber under Lup/ Kulturlanschaften unter die Luppe", with the overall... more
Scandinavians on the Belarusian lands in the 9th – 10th centuries: to the problem posing The article considers the state-political aspects of activity of Scandinavians on the Belarusian lands in the 9th – 10th centuries in a context of... more