Theatre Studies
Recent papers in Theatre Studies
This article explores the coincidence between Sarah Bernhardt's role as a theatrical manager in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century and her pioneering work in the nascent film industry. I argue that Bernhardt was not only a... more
Το Κρατικό Θέατρο της Δρέσδης το 2009 δημιούργησε μία ‘Σκηνή Πολιτών’, ένα θέατρο αφιερωμένο στη συμμετοχική διαδικασία, στις παραστάσεις του οποίου συνεργάζονταν επαγγελματίες της σκηνής και πολίτες (μη ηθοποιοί). Η σκηνή αυτή αποτέλεσε... more
A special issue of Studies in Musical Theatre offering a range of new critical perspectives on Lin-Manuel Miranda's Hamilton, including: “Is It Like a Beat Without a Melody?”: Rap and Revolution in Hamilton | Jeffrey Severs Rise... more
U radu će se na temelju istraživanja osječkih dnevnih novina Die Drau, Slavonische Presse, Narodna obrana i Hrvatski list u prvoj polovini 20. stoljeća istražiti dominantni elementi glumačke umjetnosti, stav kazališne kritike prema... more
Euripides’ Hecuba is originally performed in the ancient theatre of Dionysus around 425 BC, during the Peloponnesian war. The moral and political corruption of the Athenian society at the time is strikingly reflected onto the ethos of... more
The Lisbon sisters, Camille, and the "Arminuta" are the daughters and the protagonists of three novels set in three different geographical-linguistic areas: the United States, France, and Italy. "The Virgin Suicides" (1993) by Jeffrey... more
"The expression “mental illness” arises historically in the course of conversations about our human relational living, in an attempt to visualize some regularities that occurred in it, thinking that if we could grasp them we would be able... more
Lorenzo Mango, Studing acting during avantgards age. Some methodological issues The avantgard theatre of 1900 has changed completely the theatrical style, counterposing the concepts of representation, the mise-en-scene and the centrality... more
Hundred years after the birth of the Dada movement in Zürich, Tristan Tzara’s theatre is unjustly not as well known as his poetry or manifestos. Being himself a theatrical person, always staging his own personality as the leader of the... more
This study aims at highlighting the role of the Irish theatre in reviving Irish culture and establishing a dependent Irish identity. It also seeks to prove that theatre is used as means of resistance to English colonialism; it presents W.... more
International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, 9:1, 221-223.
One of America's most powerful and original dramatists, August Wilson offered an alternative history of the twentieth century, as seen from the perspective of black Americans. He celebrated the lives of those seemingly pushed to the... more
To what extent does an actor become his art? Is each creation a true becoming? Or is it mere imitation?
Introduzione 1. La condanna cristiana degli spettacoli come problema storico, 8-2. L'ipotesi (letteraria) di una presenza cristiana nei luoghi di spettacolo, 16-3. La realtà (storica) di un giudizio radicalmente negativo, 23-4.... more
One of the most conspicuous renderings of professional cross-dressing performance on the British stage from the interwar period through the mid-1950s was a series of shows starring casts of exservicemen in women's dress. This talk will... more
This section of the work will look at gender identity disorder in the era of scientific improvement. The first part of this section will look at scientific innovations in the field of sexuality, starting with "chemical lobotomy…shut down... more
Perché il teatro occupa una posizione centrale nella civiltà letteraria inglese? Come nasce il romanzo e quali forme specifiche assume nell’isola? Come evolve la poesia inglese da quando gli elisabettiani importano il sonetto dall’Italia?... more
Offering a radical re-evaluation of current approaches to performer training, this is a text that equips readers with a set of new ways of thinking about and ultimately 'doing' training. Stemming from his extensive practice and... more
Pantomime's history is one of evolutionary transformation, and its modern incarnation as a multi-million-pound industry has seen a significant change in its treatment of the stock characters: the female principal boy and the male dame,... more
Riassunto · Con riferimento a studi filologici e critici accreditati, recenti o meno, si ripercorre la vicenda, editoriale e teatrale, del Tieste foscoliano, contestualizzando la tra-gedia e i suoi temi nella discussione... more
Funeral of the Acrobat (“Cambazın Cenazesi”) written by Firuze Engin, directed by Berfin Zenderlioğlu as a production of IkinciKat theatre in Istanbul is a new breath in Turkey’s theatre field; but beyond its local importance, it is a... more
T he story begins, as is traditional, with a narrator. He opens his mouth, and without pretending he has any choice in the matter, sets things into motion with the fateful words 'Once upon a time…'. Instantly, as if operated by clockwork,... more
Sleep No More’s immersive adaptation of Macbeth has attracted scholarly attention for its insight into spectatorial desires for mobility and interaction. This promotion of spectatorial choice has drawn critiques from scholars such as... more
Teaching Drama: The Essential Handbook: 16 Ready-to-Go Lesson Plans to Build a Better Actor by Denver Casado
How many playwrights, novelists, philosophers, artists, composers, performers, filmmakers and critical thinkers influenced Samuel Beckett? And how profound has Beckett's impact been on creative artists worldwide, who have responded to the... more
This paper examines the development of LGTB representations in Israeli theater for four decades between 1970 and 2005. It focuses on plays that raised central themes in the Israeli experience: the relationship between homosexuality and... more
En portada: «Pieza del trimestre» (octubre-diciembre de 2012), por gentileza del Museo Nacional del Teatro
Mark Haddon’s Polar Bears (2010) and Nick Payne’s Constellations (2012) are two recent British plays exploring the minds of women suffering from a disorder of the mind, either psychiatric or neurological: in Haddon’s play, Kay, an artist,... more
Ce travail s’intéresse à la poétique de la dissociation mise en œuvre par Helen Cooper dans sa pièce Three Women and a Piano Tuner (2004). Réunies pour mettre en commun leurs talents respectifs de compositrice, pianiste et productrice... more
London is home to more than eight million people, who speak more than three hundred languages, but the representation of this cultural richness and diversity in the theatre of the British capital is far from adequate. London theatre... more
A partir da experiência de Anne Bogart como diretora, a pesquisadora propõe seis aspectos fundamentais que deveriam ser estimulados nos atores em um curso de interpretação. São eles: atitude, atenção, violência necessária, controle físico... more
The question of why women did not perform on the English Renaissance stage is an enduring one, which is yet to be properly answered. This article examines contemporary legislation and case law to illustrate the regulation of women's... more
Επιχειρείται μια φαινομενολογική προσέγγιση της νύχτας στην ελληνική δραματουργία, από τη μεταπολίτευση και μετά. Η νύχτα είναι και λειτουργεί ενδοκειμενικά ως μία αναπαράσταση, δηλαδή ως μία ελλιπής ή και παραπειστική επανάληψη μιας... more