The Right to Health
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SOMMARIO: 1. La funzione sociale della proprietà e la questione della tenuta del progetto costituzionale. -2. I diritti fondamentali fra strategie neoliberali e slanci trasformativi. -3. La funzione sociale quale connotato della proprietà... more
The future of economic and social rights is unlikely to resemble its past. Neglected within the human rights movement, avoided by courts, and subsumed within a conception of development in which economic growth was considered a necessary... more
This paper demonstrated that laws that criminalise sex work or aspects thereof are associated with negative outcomes for sex workers’ right to health under international law. It also showed that the right to health is an underused... more
SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa. Il consenso informato nella sintesi tra diritto e dovere alla salute. -2. I fondamenti costituzionali del consenso informato e il contributo decisivo della Corte costituzionale. -3. Gli sviluppi del consenso... more
An account of global health justice that integrates both human rights and health-related common goods.
This Report offers a critical interpretation of the idea of ‘minimum core obligations’ associated with the right to health in international, regional and domestic law and practice. Two important methodological complexities affecting... more
The newly adopted Constitution of the Republic of Zimbabwe ushers in a new constitutional dispensation based upon a set of key constitutional principles. Such principles include the rule of law, judiciary independence, multipartism,... more
This article has been published by the journal Transnational Legal Theory ( The article is an expanded and revised version of the lecture I gave at the opening plenary session of the 24th IVR World... more
Do unauthorized im/migrants have a right to health? Do they deserve health care, or health protection, or access to the social determinants of good health? Are they party to prevailing social contracts, or does their exclusion from... more
Winner of the 2012 Rudolf Virchow Professional Prize - Critical Anthropology of Global Health Caucus, Society for Medical Anthropology ABSTRACT: "As the notion of a “right to health" gains influence, it is increasingly deployed in... more
La gestión global de la seguridad alimentaria es tema prioritario en la agenda de los organismos internacionales comprometidos con la erradicación del hambre y la protección de la salud (como FAO y OMS), así como en la de todos los países... more
In recent years, Ireland has seen the emergence of a well-organised campaign to introduce legislation that criminalises the purchase, but not the sale, of sexual services. While a domestic consensus has seemingly formed in favour of... more
"Pathologies of Power uses harrowing stories of illness, of life—and death—in extreme situations to interrogate our understanding of human rights. Paul Farmer, a physician and anthropologist with twenty years of experience studying... more
Nota introductoria: interacciones entre la Bioética y el derecho a la salud: La salud es un derecho humano fundamental e indispensable para el ejercicio de los demás derechos humanos. La génesis de esta contribución radica en la... more
Io non credo che vi sia un diritto di morire, così come non v'è propriamente un diritto alla felicità, per il semplice fatto che i diritti riguardano libertà relative a determinati ambiti di scelta. Allo stesso modo non v'è un diritto... more
el cannabis es una planta milenaria, utilizada a lo largo de la historia humana tanto en Oriente como Occidente, no obstante, su criminalización depende del contexto social, cultural e histórico. Fue usada durante la edad antigua con... more
Son dönemde, toplumumuzda, sağlık sistemimizde yaygın biçimde tartışılmakta olan, yurt içinde ve yurt dışında yazılı ve görsel basın-yayın organlarında yüzlerce haberlere konu olan gebeliğin sonlandırılması, kürtaj, sezaryen konusunda... more
t h e w o r l d b a n k g r o u p g o a l s t h e w o r l d b a n k g r o u p g o a l s Two ambitious goals, achieved in a sustainable way, will anchor our mission of a world free of poverty g oal 1 end extreme poverty 2010 2030 target To... more
After a brief outline of the African Human Rights System, the paper analyses the human right to health enshrined in Article 16 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (ACHPR). In particular, it deals with the effective... more
RESUMEN: El presente ensayo es de tipo explicativo, descriptivo y argumentativo cuyo objeto principal es evidenciar la importancia del consentimiento informado, que actúa como garantía para el ejercicio del derecho a la salud. Los métodos... more
Consenso informato, diritti umani e biodiritto internazionale * S N : . Introduzione, -. Origini storiche e fonti internazionali del principio del consenso informato, -. La portata del principio del consenso:... more
Although the three international drug control treaties take a very broad approach to drug treatment, limitations do exist. These are limits of ethics and effectiveness, clarified and refined by human rights law. Thus, although States are... more
It is widely held by legal scholars that the purpose of environmental rights is to protect individuals from environmental harms and improve the quality of the environment. However, thus far the focus of environmental rights has been... more
At a time when South Africa's ailing and dysfunctional health system is on the verge of radical transformation through the mooted introduction of a National Health Insurance scheme, and when there are increasing political tensions between... more
This paper tries to analyze the phenomenon of involuntary celibacy, also known as incels, and how it emerges to the center of society's attention. In doing so, it uses the analytical tool of "the right to health" and the concept of... more
Luego de describir los importantes avances realizados por la Corte y la Comisión Interamericanas de Derechos Humanos en el ámbito de los derechos de las mujeres y de la igualdad de género, la autora procede a analizar las nuevas... more
Everyday there are always chances and forum for us to discuss or be concerned about the matter of “health” or staying “healthy”, from private life to public issues, from domestic policies to global governance, because “health”, by... more
Poor citizens in Singapore are increasingly squeezed by the high cost of healthcare. Ironically, Singapore is a developed country that is very popular with its medical tourism. On one hand many foreigners come to Singapore for the purpose... more
An overview of human rights standards and jurisprudential support for harm reduction.
The article aims to deepen the relationship between biolaw and European Union law, in order to understand what role the latter plays in the regulation of issues characterized by a high level of scientific and ethical complexity. Having... more
World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (the FCTC) was adopted on 21st May 2003 and came into force on 25 th February 2005. Since its adoption, Indonesia has never signed and ratified this Convention. Currently,... more
Al conmemorarse cuarenta años de la realización de la Conferencia de Alma Ata, reunión organizada por OMS y UNICEF entre el 6 y 12 de septiembre de 1978, se presenta esta obra que realza la trascendencia que ha tenido esta política... more
The Philippine government's COVID-19 response has been reactive, ad hoc and inadequate. While quarantine and social distancing measures may have slowed down the spread of new cases of SARS-CoV2 infections, the government has been slow to... more
forthcoming in The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, 2014, pp. 306-346 (
La hipótesis de este trabajo es que el sistema internacional de patentes farmacéuticas, con su diseño actual, dificulta el acceso a ciertos medicamentos en distintas partes del mundo. Sin embargo, no es la mera existencia de patentes la... more
The legal recognition of the right to health worldwide has never been so advanced. At least 115 constitutions around the world have entrenched the right to health or health care, whether as justiciable claim-rights, aspirational... more
The work starts from the constitutional regulation of the right to health protection and analyzes the jurisprudential development around it by the Constitutional Court during these forty years. It explains that the right to health... more
This paper will deal with the link between sports and human rights. Its aim is to demonstrate, in a pedagogical way, how human rights based approaches can be used for advancing grassroots sports and physical activities. Incidentally it... more
In Centre for Health Human Rights & Development and 3 Others v Attorney General (CEHURD) (2011), the petitioner questioned the constitutionality of the Ugandan government’s failure to provide basic maternal health services in the context... more