The Right to Health
Recent papers in The Right to Health
"Pathologies of Power uses harrowing stories of illness, of life—and death—in extreme situations to interrogate our understanding of human rights. Paul Farmer, a physician and anthropologist with twenty years of experience studying... more
Nepal’s Interim Constitution 2007 addresses health as a fundamental right. The constitutional provision has set the platform for commencement of free health service program in Nepal. Recently, the New National Health Policy 2014 has been... more
The study explains how corruption and corruption factors influence human rights fulfillment. It develops a coherent theoretical model for analysis and conclusions, recommendations elaboration. The research finds individual corruption acts... more
1. Esisteva nell'antica Roma uno strano modo di dire: depontani senes o sexagenarios de ponte. La depontazione degli anziani potrebbe essere collegata alla cerimonia che si svolgeva alle Idi di maggio durante la quale fantocci di vimini... more
Sumario: 1.Introducción. 2. El derecho: breve conceptualización y funciones. 3. La Constitución y su supremacía. 4. La obediencia al derecho 5.La supremacía y el control de constitucionalidad en Argentina frente a la aparición del control... more
Con la sent. n. 58 del 2018 la complessa vicenda delle acciaierie Ilva di Taranto torna di fronte alla Corte costituzionale, dopo la nota sent. n. 85 del 2013. Questa volta, la decisione è di illegittimità, poiché il bilanciamento operato... more
Socio economic rights are to be realised progressively through the allocation of adequate financial resources and by the setting up of infrastructure county-wide. Consequently, the Kenyan government is to... more
Sikhism is the world's fifth-largest religion. It was founded during the late 15th century in the Punjab region of the Indian subcontinent. Its adherents are known as Sikhs. Currently, there are about 30 million Sikhs worldwide. Most of... more
Universal healthcare may be defined as any healthcare system that ensures at least basic coverage to most, if not all, citizens of a country. Although it may be implemented in many ways, universal healthcare has been widely accepted by... more
Sabe-se que o direito à saúde é extremamente complexo, e que essa complexidade reflete na sua definição conceitual. No entanto, para chegar na amplitude que possui nos dias atuais foi de extrema importância o Movimento de Reforma... more
This is the introductory chapter to my 2017 monograph.
This article explores the rules governing the prevention and control of contagious diseases in occupied territory under international law. Although the article refers to the ongoing Covid19 pandemic, its scope is broader and encompasses... more
Some remarks on the right to health as a human right
Childhood obesity is now a global health epidemic, yet the obligations of states to prevent obesity through fulfillment of the right to health have received limited consideration. This article examines the childhood obesity... more
A presente monografia tem por objeto uma analise crítica, à luz dos direitos fundamentais, em especial do direito a saúde, no caso brasileiro do povoado Recanto de Araras, no município goiano de Fainas, uma comunidade pobre e pequena no... more
Incarceration of prisoners’ in conditions detrimental to their health and inaccessibility of required health care cause grave suffering. Such suffering can only be prevented by determining the obligation of states. Within this context... more
The enormous problems of maternal and infant mortality in today’s world are directly linked to inadequate or nonexistent maternal health care for millions of women everywhere. This article argues that viewing the right to maternal health... more
This is a taste of our book with Bloomsbury University Press. Please let me know if you'd like more info. The French Revolution brought momentous political, social, and cultural change. Life in Revolutionary France explores how those... more
After a brief outline of the African Human Rights System, the paper analyses the human right to health enshrined in Article 16 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (ACHPR). In particular, it deals with the effective... more
Монографія присвячена проблемі особистих немайнових прав як системної сукупності суб’єктивних цивільних прав фізичних осіб. У ній на підставі детального аналізу розкриваються проблеми філософсько-історичної ґенези особистих немайнових... more
The work starts from the constitutional regulation of the right to health protection and analyzes the jurisprudential development around it by the Constitutional Court during these forty years. It explains that the right to health... more
In recent years, Ireland has seen the emergence of a well-organised campaign to introduce legislation that criminalises the purchase, but not the sale, of sexual services. While a domestic consensus has seemingly formed in favour of... more
An overview of human rights standards and jurisprudential support for harm reduction.
Presentación de diapositivas / Slide presentation
The Philippine government's COVID-19 response has been reactive, ad hoc and inadequate. While quarantine and social distancing measures may have slowed down the spread of new cases of SARS-CoV2 infections, the government has been slow to... more
Il contributo, dopo aver confrontato le nuove e le vecchie “sentenze di San Martino”, analizza i più recenti orientamenti della Corte di cassazione in materia di responsabilità medica da omessa o insufficiente informazione, evidenziando... more
The newly adopted Constitution of the Republic of Zimbabwe ushers in a new constitutional dispensation based upon a set of key constitutional principles. Such principles include the rule of law, judiciary independence, multipartism,... more
This paper demonstrated that laws that criminalise sex work or aspects thereof are associated with negative outcomes for sex workers’ right to health under international law. It also showed that the right to health is an underused... more
SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa. Il consenso informato nella sintesi tra diritto e dovere alla salute. -2. I fondamenti costituzionali del consenso informato e il contributo decisivo della Corte costituzionale. -3. Gli sviluppi del consenso... more
Riassunto Nel presente capitolo l’autore affronta il tema della dimensione pedagogica del COVID-19 nel mondo giuridico. Per prima cosa egli osserva la prova a cui tutti i Paesi sono sottoposti. L’analisi, poi, si concentra... more
Everyday there are always chances and forum for us to discuss or be concerned about the matter of “health” or staying “healthy”, from private life to public issues, from domestic policies to global governance, because “health”, by... more
The work traces the history of palliative care starting from the hospice movement of Cecily Saunders to the recognition by the World Health Organization, by the institutions of the Council of Europe and, in Italy, to the approval of the... more
At a time when South Africa's ailing and dysfunctional health system is on the verge of radical transformation through the mooted introduction of a National Health Insurance scheme, and when there are increasing political tensions between... more
SOMMARIO: 1. La funzione sociale della proprietà e la questione della tenuta del progetto costituzionale. -2. I diritti fondamentali fra strategie neoliberali e slanci trasformativi. -3. La funzione sociale quale connotato della proprietà... more
The paper analyzes judgment no. 242/2019 of the Constitutional Court, which rewrote art.580 of the Italian Criminal Code, by a very detailed manipulative and additive ruling, after the previous order n. 207/2018, by which the same Court... more
t h e w o r l d b a n k g r o u p g o a l s t h e w o r l d b a n k g r o u p g o a l s Two ambitious goals, achieved in a sustainable way, will anchor our mission of a world free of poverty g oal 1 end extreme poverty 2010 2030 target To... more
The lack of binding prescriptions on business and human rights and the weak legislative and administrative oversight leave businesses in many African states unrestrained discretion in the pursuit of corporate goals. This has often... more