
Sustainable Urbanism Research Papers -
UN HABITAT publication on the state of African cities produced every two years. Accounts for the state of African cities and recommends a vision for sustainable African urbanism.
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      Sustainable DevelopmentSustainable UrbanismPolitics And Planning In African CitiesSustainable Urban Planning
For the last 15 years Västra hamnen (Western Harbor) in Malmö, and Hammarby Sjöstad in Stockholm have been the major flagships of Swedish international eco-city ambitions. These city development projects are presented both as leading... more
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      Sustainable UrbanismSustainable Urban EnvironmentsSustainable Urban Regeneration and DevelopmentSustainable Urban Planning
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      Urban PlanningSustainable UrbanismSustainable Urban EnvironmentsTurkey
In response to the need for ecological transition, a multitude of eco-city and eco-neighborhood initiatives have been instigated around the world. A major challenge has been the charge, captured by terms such as ‘eco enclaves’ and... more
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      Sustainable UrbanismSocial InclusionFactor analysisEcocities
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      Sustainable UrbanismAviationSocial Science Research NetworkGlobal Aerotropolis
An integrated approach to climate resilient local development planning as a way to mitigate the risks and to adapt to current challenges posed by climate change in the Maldives.
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      Development StudiesClimate ChangeCommunity ResilienceClimate Change Adaptation
Depuis quelques annees, un interet croissant pour les ecoquartiers se manifeste chez les elites urbaines. A travers l’analyse du projet New Islington a Manchester, cet article cherche a comprendre le role joue par la realisation de ces... more
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      Urban PoliticsPolitical ScienceUrban PlanningSustainable Urbanism
It is increasingly acknowledged that current plans to implement sustainability are not achieving the scale and speed of change required. National built environment strategies to address sustainability tend to focus on large-scale... more
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      Sustainable CommunitiesSustainable Production and ConsumptionSustainable agricultureSustainable Development
The sustainability defines and invests concepts that only a variety and integration of knowledge can be able to govern, and raise different scales in which it can be researched and caught up. In this context, the conducted experience of... more
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      Sustainable Building DesignSustainable UrbanismSustainable Urban EnvironmentsSustainable Architecture
Housing is a basic need of human beings. Houses provide shelter and security against local environment like sun, wind, rain, climatic conditions and animals. These functions of houses are further supplemented by the notion of having... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentSustainable UrbanismUrbanismHousing
Das Ursprungskonzept der nachhaltigen Entwicklung (Brundtland-Bericht) beinhaltet die in einem globalen Kontext stehenden und sehr langfristig angelegten Forderungen nach einer intergenerationalen und einer intragenerationalen... more
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      Sustainable CommunitiesUrban PlanningSustainable UrbanismUrban Studies
Book Download: According to the United Nations, approximately three out of every five cities in the world with... more
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      Climate ChangeGreen InfrastructureSustainable UrbanismUrbanism
The economic and social challenges brought by globalization and the inevitable prospect of a commitment to sustainable development have induced the UE to put towns and cities at the heart of the current political agenda. Urban and... more
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      Urban GeographyArchitectureCompetitiveness (Economics)Sustainable Urbanism
The management of change in the rapidly growing cities in Asia is a big challenge for all concerned. The challenge is much more complex in historic cities because of the contradictory nature of development needs and conservation... more
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      Sustainable UrbanismUrban Conservation
Learning from nature may be the most important step towards improving cities in the context of environmental and climate issues. However, many of the current approaches to make cities greener or more sustainable are still linear and... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesGreen InfrastructureSustainable UrbanismInnovation In Built Environment
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      Urban GeographyArchitectureCritical PedagogyUrban Planning
Urbanization is driving Southeast Asia’s economies, moving vast numbers of people to urban centers at a pace unheard of in the West. As impressive as these cities are, they bring with them massive problems in terms of sanitation,... more
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      Urban GeographySoutheast Asian StudiesUrbanization in Developing AreasSustainable Development
Paper about some results of the research about the integrated policy for urban development “Die Soziale Stadt - Gebiete mit besonderem Entwicklungsbedarf” in Germany and the city of Berlin, as case study. The research is part of the... more
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      Urban managementSustainable UrbanismUrban StudiesUrbanism
This paper presents hybrid and nature-based solutions (NBS) for wastewater treatment that may be applied to diverse urban and peri-urban contexts. They offer multiple environmental and economic benefits, with the enhancement of human... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentSustainable UrbanismWater and wastewater treatmentSustainable Water Resources Management
The tropical urbanism of coastal East Africa has a thousand-year-long history, making it a recognized example of sustainable urbanism. Although economically dependent on trade, the precolonial Islamic towns of the so-called Swahili coast... more
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      Historical ArchaeologySpace SyntaxSustainable UrbanismColonialism
Today built heritage conservation should consider constantly changing needs of users. In particular, recent problems related to the economic crisis and to environmental pollution make issues related to consumption reduction and... more
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      ArchitectureCultural HeritageHistoric PreservationSustainable Development
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    • Sustainable Urbanism
China’s green concept of ‘sponge cities’ to mitigate flood risk and better manage rainwater resources will have applications all over Asia
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      GeographyUrban GeographyAsian StudiesSoutheast Asian Studies
Proceedings from the Winning 2010 Ford College Community Grant Award.
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      ArchitectureSustainable UrbanismSustainable Urban EnvironmentsEnvironmental Sustainability
In recent years, the world has seen the emergence of a number of urban projects which, under the banner of experimentation, have promoted alternative models of city-making capable, in theory, of creating sustainable built environments.... more
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      Urban GeographyPolitical EconomyUrban PoliticsRenewable Energy
Our team was asked by the Chattanooga Downtown Planning and Design Studio to study how the downtown plan could be environmentally sound. We were charged with articulating the issues, framing the problems, looking for larger integrative... more
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      Green InfrastructureUrban PlanningSustainable UrbanismSustainable Urban Environments
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      Sustainable DevelopmentSustainable UrbanismMeasurement and EvaluationSustainable Urban Environments
Designed by means of a unique participatory process within the frameworks of William McDonough's "Hannover Principles" and the United Nations Agenda 21, Kronsberg was planned as a model sustainable urban district for 15,000 people as a... more
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      Landscape EcologyArchitectureClimate ChangeLandscape Architecture
This paper argues that significantly more sustainable and communal neighborhoods could be more common in North America if development practices addressed the barriers posed by sociotechnical obduracy and the inevitable limitations of... more
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      TechnologyComputer NetworksSustainable UrbanismUrbanism
Das Thema „nachhaltige Quartiersentwicklung“ wird oft im Zusammenhang mit der Aufwertung benachteiligter Stadtteile oder der Errichtung neuer „Öko-Quartiere“ diskutiert. Die große Masse der normalen Bestandsgebiete – vom innerstädtischen... more
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      Sustainable CommunitiesNeighbourhood DevelopmentSustainable UrbanismUrban Studies
We often think of cities as major drivers of economic development and growth. Big cities expand our access to infrastructure like public transit and public education. They allow for more efficient distribution of social services such as... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyCultural GeographyHistorical Geography
Contemporary ideas of nature were largely shaped by schools of thought from Western cultural history and philosophy until the present-day concerns with environmental change and biodiversity conservation. There are many different ways of... more
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      Environmental SociologyIndustrial EcologyEcosystem ServicesPolitical Ecology
Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more
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      ScreenwritingCritical TheoryCritical TheoryCritical Theory
This book chapter is an early version of Cugurullo 2018. Although similar in nature, this chapter explores aspects of experimental urbanism, such as the decomposition of the urban fabric of eco-city projects, which are not discussed in... more
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      Middle East StudiesEthics & Social SustainabilitySustainable DevelopmentEnvironmental Planning and Design
Centered on Incheon International Airport (ICN), South Korea's Incheon Aerotropolis is a global leader in aviation-linked commercial development and smart technology applications. This report details the evolution of ICN, its Air-City,... more
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      Sustainable UrbanismAviationGlobal AerotropolisAerotropolis
Executive Summary Global urbanisation is increasing dramatically and most of the world’s population now lives in cities. The environmental impact of cities has received much attention in the global debate, making urban sustainability a... more
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      Sustainable CommunitiesSustainable TransportationResilienceSustainable Development
This article examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research: (a) theoretical knowledge is more valuable than practical knowledge; (b) one cannot generalize from a single case, therefore, the single-case study cannot... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
Humans have done a great damage to Earth. Forests have vanished, biological flora has been cleared to make way for rural lands, towns and metropolitan areas; and industrialization has polluted seas, rivers and the atmosphere.
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      Mechanical EngineeringSociologySustainable UrbanismWater and Energy
Neighborhood decline is a critical issue in shrinking cities. Components of sustainable urbanism such as mixed land uses have risen as possible urban planning-based approaches to help mitigate urban and neighborhood decline. This research... more
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      Sustainable UrbanismShrinking CitiesUrban DeclineMixed use development
In this study, with using the method of solar envelope, general layout plans, building forms and building density values were obtained to ensure optimal utilization of the sun in mass housing area. Toki housing in İnonu Quarter of Bingöl... more
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      ArchitectureUrban PlanningSustainable Building DesignSustainable Urbanism
While climate change, sustainable architecture, and green technologies have become increasingly topical, issues surrounding the sustainability of the city are much less developed. The premise of this book is that an ecological approach is... more
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      Landscape EcologyLandscape ArchitectureUrban PlanningSustainable Urbanism
O presente trabalho procura determinar a relação existente entre o território e a edificação, desde a situação mais elementar (um caminho ou uma casa) a uma cidade ou região. Os objectos de estudo são os núcleos portugueses de carácter... more
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      Sustainable UrbanismUrbanismMorfologia UrbanaTerritório
Chapitre de l'ouvrage "Modèles de la ville durable en Asie Utopies, circulation des pratiques, gouvernance", dirigé par Divya Leducq, Helga-Jane Scarwell et Patrizia Ingallina.
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      Asian StudiesSustainable DevelopmentUrban PlanningSustainable Urbanism
Bangkok is the capital city of the Kingdom of Thailand. With a population of 9.8 million (2018), it is the largest city in Thailand. Bangkok forms the core of Bangkok Metropolitan Region, which has an estimated population of 15 million.... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationCommunity DevelopmentCommunity OrganizingSustainable Urbanism
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
The entry begins with a definition of geography and with a description of what the discipline shares with the other social sciences and what makes it distinctive among them. Terminological clarifications are provided with regard to the... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisLandscape EcologySociology
Phronetic organizational research is an approach to the study of management and organizations focusing on ethics and power. It is based on a contemporary interpretation of the Aristotelian concept phronesis, usually as ‘prudence’.... more
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      ScreenwritingCritical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurship
How do we define quality in urban open spaces? What are people looking for? What makes them spend time outdoors? In this paper, I try to answers these questions by studying the open spaces of two neighborhoods in Colorado. Open space... more
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      Sustainable UrbanismBioclimatic Urban DesignNew UrbanismUrban Design
The development of projects for new eco-cities is rapidly becoming a global phenomenon. Alleged eco-cities are being built across a variety of spaces via processes of urbanisation triggering substantial environmental, social and economic... more
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      Urban GeographyPolitical EconomyUrban PoliticsPolitical Ecology
Book chapter -- Full citation: Haase, Dagmar, Güneralp, Burak, Dahiya, Bharat, Bai, Xuemei, & Elmqvist, Thomas (2018). Global Urbanization: Perspectives and Trends. In T. Elmqvist, X. Bai, N. Frantzeskaki, C. Griffith, D. Maddox, T.... more
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      Urban GeographyUrbanization in Developing AreasUrban PoliticsUrban History