
Spanish Studies Research Papers -
The article aims to analyse the experience of reading as a “sentimental education” in the life of some Spanish writers who decided to tell the story of their own life in some specific autobiographical texts. In these works, which... more
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      Spanish LiteratureSpanish StudiesAutobiography and life writing studies
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      Spanish StudiesSpanishSpanish GrammarSpanish as a Foreign Language
This book takes a comparative approach to contemporary Irish and Spanish cinema in order to examine the ways in which the films produced have been marked by Ireland and Spain’s distinctive encounters with modernity. In successive... more
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      Irish StudiesGender StudiesSpanish StudiesFilm Studies
Desde o início da colonização, o trabalho compulsório dos indígenas esteve entre as questões mais debatidas na Espanha e em suas possessões americanas. Nos anos finais do século XVI, os repartimientos, instituição de recrutamento de... more
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      HistoryLatin American StudiesIndigenous StudiesSpanish Studies
Existing studies on the translation of Nadsat – the invented language in A Clockwork Orange – neglect the fact that Nadsat is a result of language contact between English and Russian, and ignore the role that translators play in... more
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      German StudiesRussian StudiesSpanish StudiesTranslation Studies
Paella (a rice dish garnished with vegetables and sometimes various meats, fishes or shellfishes) appears very likely in the early nineteenth-century in the Valencia area. In this area, paella becomes precociously the basis of strong... more
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      Gender StudiesSpanish StudiesAnthropology of FoodFood, Gender, Culture
Breve repaso acerca del funcionamiento general actual de los gobiernos en relación con la política económica, concretamente de política monetaria, estableciendo los grandes errores de dicha práctica. (origen de la crisis). Pondré en... more
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      FinanceEconomicsMonetary EconomicsSpanish Studies
This paper is both a reflection on the transition to democracy in Madrid, following the death of dictator Francisco Franco in 1974, as it pertains to the capital city today. It asserts that, though still in existence in certain ways, the... more
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      Spanish StudiesSpanish HistoryUrbanismContemporary History of Spain
Para aquellos que se preguntan sobre la capacidad de un plato de traspasar las fronteras culturales y adaptarse a las condiciones propias de otras culturas alimentarias, el ejemplo de la paella se impone muy deprisa. Si es necesario... more
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      Spanish StudiesAnthropology of FoodAnthropology of BordersBorders and Frontiers
Literal or irreverent translations of the following passage from the prologue to Cervantes’s Novelas ejemplares: [Y]o soy el primero que he novelado en lengua castellana, que las muchas novelas que en ella andan impresas todas son... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesSpanish LiteratureSpanish Studies
The political and spatial reorganization brought about by the progressive consolidation of the Spanish Estado de las Autonomías (State of Autonomies) is in line with a model of 'multiple ethnoterritorial concurrence'. This model relates... more
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      Ethnic StudiesMulticulturalismSpanish StudiesGlobalization
There is no question that this pioneering surrealist short film sets out to break with expectations and has no plot as such. Even so, Buñuel’s Un chien andalou (1928) undoubtedly constitutes a reaction against conventions and the... more
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      Spanish StudiesFilm StudiesTrauma Studies
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      HistorySpanish StudiesGalician StudiesHistoriography
ÁRBOL (origen etimológico) es una comunicación por la cual Enrique Cabrejas pone en conocimiento que las palabras españolas no son tal y como las conocemos en la actualidad, se refiere a que fueron pensadas de otro y de distinto modo al... more
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      BotanySpanish StudiesSpanishForest Ecology And Management
Security Sector Reform (SSR) and more specifically the Democratic Civilian Control of the Armed Forces (DCCAF) have become key issues in current debates on political reform. As SSR and DCCAF are emerging topics, intersecting both... more
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      International RelationsSpanish StudiesInternational StudiesSecurity Studies
Etimología de Guadalajara es un estudio etimológico que el gramático Enrique Cabrejas nos presenta a través de la estructura interna y morfológica del topónimo.
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      GeographyHumanitiesSpanish StudiesLanguages and Linguistics
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      SociologySociology of SportSocial AnthropologySpanish Studies
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      Spanish LiteratureSpanish StudiesAvant-garde writingDrama
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      Modern HistoryCultural StudiesGender StudiesArt History
Suddenly Don Quijote doubts his squire’s embassy. It would be miraculous for Sancho to have returned in just over three days because El Toboso is more than thirty leagues away, seventy-five miles or one hundred and twenty-five kilometers... more
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      Fiction WritingSpanish Literature17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophySpanish Studies
Abstract: I propose a paper presentation dedicated to the performance of Saint Teresa of Avila (1515-1582), her person, life and work, in Spanish contemporary classical music as result of a poiesis of Christian mysticism and body... more
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      Women's StudiesSpanish StudiesPerformance StudiesPhilosophy of Music
This article aims to analyze the impact of the Czechoslovak crisis on the sociocultural construction of Spanish Orthodox communism. The orthodox communists were a current that had its base in the divergences arisen fruit of the change of... more
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      International RelationsSpanish StudiesSoviet HistoryContemporary History
Si bien es cierto que la traducción nos aleja de esas provincias lindantes con el silencio de las que hablaba Steiner, este trabajo de la traductora y profesora Purificación Meseguer plantea una hipótesis bien diferente: la de la... more
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      Gender StudiesSpanish StudiesTranslation StudiesGender and Sexuality
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      Critical TheoryReception StudiesSpanish StudiesSpanish Literature (Peninsular)
Fabio Lo Bono intervista  Pietro Piro sul libro: Francisco Franco. Appunti per una fenomenologia della potenza e del potere.
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      Critical TheoryHistoryMilitary HistorySociology
We can almost hear the gears turning in Sancho Panza’s head. His immediate reaction is to devise a get-rich scheme: “I renounce henceforth the government of the promised isle.” All he wants now is for Don Quijote to give him the recipe... more
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      Spanish Literature17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophySpanish StudiesAustrian Economics
Etimología de Jaén es un comunicado por el cual el gramático Enrique Cabrejas nos informa que Jaén, aunque se desconociera anteriormente, toma su nombre a partir de su ganado y siempre ha sido desde tiempos remotos Jaén, mucho pueda... more
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      PhilologyHistoryAncient HistoryCultural History
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      Spanish StudiesSpanishSpanish GrammarSpanish as a Foreign Language
En el presente trabajo abordamos cómo Rodrigo y Mencía de Mendoza, padre e hija, I y II marqueses del Cenete, respectivamente, fueron, además de excelentes mecenas, dos de los más destacados protagonistas en la introducción del... more
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      Art HistorySpanish StudiesRenaissance HistoryRenaissance Studies
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      Spanish StudiesSeries TVAudiovisualContemporary TV Drama
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      Spanish StudiesEighteenth Century HistoryHistory of CostumeCostume and Identity
published in: ÖT KONTINENS, 2/2013, ELTE, BUDAPEST, 2015. 323-336.
Ideología y cine en la España del general Francisco Franco.
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      Spanish StudiesFilm StudiesPropagandaSpanish Cinema
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      Spanish StudiesContemporary ArtHistoriographySpanish Art
in The Expulsion of the Moriscos from Spain. A Mediterranean Diaspora, eds. M. García-Arenal and G.Wiegers, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2014, pp. 132-154
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      Spanish StudiesTheologyRenaissance StudiesIberian Studies
Es posible evidenciar similitudes y diferencias en las ideas de Simone de Beauvoir y Ayn Rand. Haciendo suyo lo que podría llamarse una "Ética de la Resolución", Rand elogia a las personas que realizan acciones dirigidas a objetivos... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican HistoryPolitical SociologyEuropean Studies
En el libro se exponen análisis, ideas e interpretaciones sobre las reformas de las políticas sociales y del Estado del Bienestar en España durante el período 1984-2008. La evidencia empírica ha sido recogida en 120 entrevistas en... more
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      Spanish StudiesSpanish politicsSpainPolíticas Sociales
La obra Kitáb a!-'lbar del gran historiador árabe del siglo XIV, de origen andalusí, Ibn Jaldún; el cual describe al fundador del movimiento almohade como «un jurista versado en la ciencia, que daba consejos y practicaba la enseñanza».... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistorySociology
SANDÍA. Origen etimológico fijado por Enrique Cabrejas, es una comunicación por la cual el etimólogo determina que el nombre singular de género femenino en lengua española SANDÍA, es un sintagma ibérico que significa: ROJA DEL TIEMPO. Con... more
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      PhilologyCultural HistoryCultural StudiesGeography
Constantino Vasconcellos (+1668), was a portuguese engineer and architect, probably from Braga, the most Baroque portuguese city. He arrived at Peru Vice-Reign around 1629, and worked at Huancavelica, Oruro, Potosí and Lima. In 1645... more
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      HistoryTourism StudiesArt HistorySpanish Studies
""La meditación sobre la técnica parece haber sido la pregunta fundamental del siglo xx. En este artículo se comparan dos visiones de la técnica: la de O. Spengler y la de J. Ortega y Gasset. Estas meditaciones vienen a esbozar una... more
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      Critical TheorySociologySpanish LiteratureAnthropology
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      Critical TheoryPsychoanalysisSpanish StudiesFilm Studies
Barcelona: Círculo de Lectores, 1995. Para M. Batllori, Humanismo y Renacimiento no están referidos a un período cronológicamente fijo, sino a una actitud común de pensadores que desde fines del siglo XIV hasta finales del siglo XVI, en... more
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      Catalan StudiesSpanish StudiesPortuguese StudiesMedieval Studies
This paper reports on an innovative implementation of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) via Skype technology in three language courses (French, Japanese and Spanish) at the University of Wollongong in Australia.
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      Second Language AcquisitionComputer Assisted Language LearningSpanish StudiesEnglish
The first Russian translation of the legendary Spanish book "Manual del Baratero" - "Manual of the Bagman"(1849) accompanied with a 500 pages of detailed comments. Translated from Spanish, edited and commented by Denis Cherevichnik -... more
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      Spanish LiteratureSpanish StudiesDueling and Codes of HonorSpanish American colonial studies
HOLA. Origen etimológico fijado por Enrique Cabrejas, se trata de un comunicado en el cual el gramático pone en conocimiento el origen y significado en idioma español de la expresión HOLA y que según su teoría usamos sin saber qué... more
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      PhilologyHistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
Trabajo monográfico sobre la función de las sentencias y los refranes en la Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea, apoyado en algunos fundamentos de la Teoría del adagio de Erasmo de Rotterdam.
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      Spanish LiteratureSpanish StudiesSpanish Literature (Peninsular)Erasmus
It is well known that theatre on Christian themes was performed in the churches established across Kyūshū by Jesuit missionaries in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. However, the only primary sources through which this performance... more
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      ChristianityJapanese StudiesPerforming ArtsMusical Theatre
MARIPOSA. Origen etimológico fijado por Enrique Cabrejas, es un comunicado por el cual el etimólogo expone aplicando su Teoría de los Acrónimos Ibéricos que la denominación dada a este insecto en lengua española es el fruto de un... more
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      PhilologyHistoryCultural StudiesGeography
El origen del nombre Toledo, es un extracto del libro Karuo el secreto ibero, por el cual Enrique Cabrejas o Enric Cabrejas nos relata de modo llano su experiencia personal con lo extraordinario de un descubrimiento. El 21 de Abril de... more
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      PhilologyReligionHistoryAncient History