South Caucasus
Recent papers in South Caucasus
According to William Zartman “Borders run across land but through people. On maps they appear as fine one-dimensional lines, whereas on the ground they have many dimensions. Borders are boundaries in depth, space around a line, place... more
This book is a revised and enlarged version of my former book. It is mainly a social-economic history of the borderland regions of Kars, Ardahan and Artvin under Russian rule from 1878 to 1918. Based on Ottoman, Russian, Georgian and... more
The evolution of Caspian Sea basin energy transmission networks is entering a crucial phase. Azerbaijan is the crucible where questions concerning the future structure of geo-economic relations in Eurasia (and also therefore crucial... more
Bu çalışma, "Ardahan Kale ve Kuleleri" adlı kitabın bölümlerinden biridir. Bu kitap içi bölümde, Ardahan'ın Eskiçağ'dan Türk fetihlerine kadar tarihçesi üzerinde durulmuş ve şehrin isminin kökenine ilişkin bir başlığa yer verilmiştir.... more
Georgia, a small state in the South Caucasus, is the most ardent supporter of Euro-Atlantic integration in the entire post-Soviet region. Georgia’s possible membership in NATO looms large not only in terms of politics in the South... more
В развитых странах в процессе вынесения решений в государственной и общественной сферах важную роль играют так называемые «мозговые центры» (Think Tanks, далее -МЦ). Национальная безопасность более чем когда-либо обусловлена умением... more
The article is devoted to the analysis of the ethno-social and legal aspects of language policy in the Caucasus during the imperial, Soviet and post-Soviet periods. The information characterizing the specifics of language processes in the... more
Richard Cashman, "The Turkish Key to Greater Central Asia", A New Middle East and the Frontiers of a New Geostrategic Imagination, Caucasus International, Vol. 3 • No: 1-2 • Spring - Summer 2013,... more
about Simon Janashia Museum of Georgia
From Tsarist period to the present day Russia try to keep under its control both internal and foreign policy of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia with the implementation of active agenda in the South Caucasus region. After the Soviet Union... more
Up to the lat e 1990s, discourse around mass emigration from Azerbaijan had to do, above all, with mass post-Soviet labour migration. During the last two decades (1990-2009) 266,000 arrived in the country as permanent migrants and 707,500... more
The Azerbaijani military portal recently published information about Baku acquiring French ASTER 30-SAMP/T and VL MICA air-defense missile systems. A representative of the company producing these missile... more
The opposition Georgian Dream coalition's upset victory in Georgia's October 2012 parliamentary elections displaced the then-ruling United National Movement as well as the "competitive authoritarian" model it had instituted. While the... more
Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Society for Community Research and Action. This eoffprint is for personal use only and shall not be self-archived in electronic repositories. If you wish to... more The presented edition of Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani's "Book of Wisdom and Lies" is a reprint of... more
By understanding demographic trends from more than a century ago, it’s possible to obtain a more nuanced view of the complexities of the current crises in Ukraine and Nagorno-Karabakh.
El recrudecimiento del conflicto que enfrenta a Armenia con Azerbaiyán por el control de Nagorno Karabaj se expresa en un espacio simbólico de Ciudad de México. Esta tensión por el uso del espacio se ha manifestado en acciones polémicas,... more
Zviad Koridze, "Georgian Media and Georgian Facebook", Social Media in Politics and Foreign Policy: Can it Transform Eurasia?, Caucasus International, Vol. 1 • No: 2 • Autumn 2011,... more
A review of an important English translation of the History of the seventh century Armenian historian Sebēos.
man eine Reise in ein neues, unbekanntes Land antritt, versucht man, sich in Gedanken ein möglichst realistisches Bild von dem was einen erwartet, auszumalen. Dabei wird dieses Puzzlebild umso vollständiger und schärfer, je reicher die... more
"Если какой-либо компании удастся занять доминирующее положение в нефтяном бизнесе Курдского района Ирака (КРИ), то в долгосрочной перспективе она сможет получить доступ и к нефти, как случилось в Каспийском регионе в 1990-х годах, когда... more
Fariz Ismailzade, "Overcoming threats to stability in Azerbaijan", The Caucasus in the International Arena: Regional & Global Perspectives, Caucasus International, Vol. 1 • No: 1 • Summer 2011,... more
Komeli Kakachia, "Shifting gears: Georgia’s Persian gambit and the logic of regional geopolitics", The Caucasus and its Neighbors: Towards the Future, Caucasus International, Vol. 2 • No: 1 • Spring 2012,... more
The contemporary region of South Caucasus represents by itself a specific geopolitical system, differing from other modern regional systems by its typical politically asymmetrical structure. The region is influenced by diverse impacts... more
Bu çalışma, Rusya'nın Güney Kafkasya ile ilgili hedeflerini sağlama çerçevesinde bir uluslar arası hukuk kurumu olan UCM 2 'yi nasıl kullanmak istediğini incelemektedir. Bu çerçevede self-determinasyon ile ilgili mevcut uluslararası hukuk... more
Ямсков А.Н. Изменение топонимии Закавказья в XX – XXI вв. // Топонимия Ближнего Зарубежья: 100 лет переименований. Атлас-справочник / Отв. ред. В.Н. Калуцков. – М.: РГО, 2020, с. 83-152 Полный текст этой коллективной монографии в... more
Сегодня Всехсвятский храм возле метро Сокол является одним из самых доходных в Москве. При это о том, что в XVIII-XIX вв. он служил усыпальницей грузинской аристократии, ныне почти не помнят из-за неоднократных изменений его интерьера и... more
La stratégie des États-Unis au sud du Caucase Par Julien Zarifian. Pour ce chercheur à l'Institut français de géopolitique (Paris-VIII), une réflexion sur la crise en Géorgie ne peut pas faire l'impasse sur la politique américaine (et ses... more
Relations between Armenia and Russia within the scope of Shelter Theory
Najiba Mustafayeva, "The UN Security Council and the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict", 25 Years of Independence in the South Caucasus, Caucasus International, Vol. 7 • No: 1 • Summer 2017,... more
Gulmira Rzayeva," A complicated Corridor: Gas to Europe - It's not just economics", The Caspian Energy Dance: Towards a New Age of Partnership?, Caucasus International, Vol. 2 • No: 2 • Summer 2012,... more
Бери Эгнаташвили, Ахали Картлис Цховреба (Новая История Грузии), перевов текста с древнегрузинского на современный грузинский язык и коментарии Георгия Маджарашвили, издательство «Новый Ивирон», Тбилиси, 2012." ბერი ეგნატაშვილი, ახალი... more