Social and Collective Memory
Recent papers in Social and Collective Memory
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Collective memories are memories shared by a group that influence their social identity. The goal of this paper is to focus on two major limitations in current studies on collective memory and show how the hourglass metaphor can overcome... more
This book provides an introduction to political psychology through a focus on European politics and topics. It describes a style of doing political psychology in Europe that has developed out of dialogue with as well as critique of North... more
Przysługujący widmom wywrotowy, niemalże rewolucyjny potencjał został odsunięty oraz zagubiony poprzez pozbycie się tej kontrowersyjnej kategorii z terytorium metafizyki i zbyt pośpieszne odesłanie jej do przestrzeni badań nad literaturą,... more
Transitional justice is a major concept in promoting peace and reconciliation between conflicting parties. It is usually associated with formal judicial processes such as criminal justice, rule-of law reform and paying reparations. This... more
Este artículo explora de manera pormenorizada de cómo ha sido la incorporación de la dictadura cívico-militar en el espacio público. Detalla la lenta evolución, precisando coyunturas y acontecimientos, de la ubicación en la memoria... more
This article explores the role of literature and romantic nationalism in the creation of nations as this applies to the Faroese nation, in particular the case of the poet Nólsoyar Páll. It is the ambition to discuss how literature can be... more
Political revolutions are, by their very nature, contested events, and liable to remain the subject of conflicting interpretations long after they have turned the existing order upside down and spun it around. This is especially so when... more
Introduction to See You On The Other Side podcast, episode 133, 28 February 2017 (interview by Mike Huberty and Allison Jornlin, Madison, Wisconsin). Online at... more
Monitoringa ziņojumā, kas tapis Latvijas Universitātes pētnieciskā projekta ietvaros, ir apkopoti socioloģisko aptauju rezultāti par iedzīvotāju attieksmes izmaiņām ilgākā laika periodā. Īpaša uzmanība pievērsta sabiedrības izpratnei par... more
Rezension zu: Lowe, Keith: Furcht und Befreiung. Wie der Zweite Weltkrieg die Menschheit bis heute prägt. Aus dem Englischen von Stephan Gebauer und Thorsten Schmidt. Stuttgart 2019. ISBN 978-3-608-96265-9 [Titel anhand dieser ISBN in... more
The main concern of this book is with the possibilities for an interdisciplinary dialogue between psychology and history. At fi rst sight it might seem obvious that psychology and history, as scholarly disciplines, have a lot in common.... more
This chapter examines how the First World War is still talked about in Britain within political, media and public discourse. In advance of the centenary of its outbreak, the First World War has been a regular feature of discussion within... more
Only when the conflict transforms us, will we be able to transform the conflict. This paper presents a basic set of criteria to consider when generating dialogic environments. From there he shares an experience of dialogic environment... more
Everybody is born into a family. Each has its own history, therefore, 'our history' is not made by us, but by previous generations. The rise of International migration and the crumbling of family structures, however, only make it harder... more
In: Imke Hansen, Enrico Heitzer, Katarzyna Nowak (Hg.): Ereignis & Gedächtnis. Neue Perspektiven auf die Geschichte der nationalsozialistischen Konzentrationslager. Berlin 2014, S. 217-253; Zweitveröffentlichung in: Daniela Allmeier u.a.... more
Автор исследует,какие факторы способствуют формированию травмы как одного из видов события. Статья опирается на определение события, данное Г. Зиммелем,выводы А.Ф. Филиппова о влиянии наблюдателя на формирование события, идеи Н. Лумана... more
This paper aims to manifest the ways in which Colm Tóibín deals with Irish nationalism and culture through the memories of his protagonist in 'The Heather Blazing'. Drawing on his own and his father’s childhood memories as well as his... more
Одной из форм передачи традиционной коллективной памяти сегодня становятся любительские краеведческие издания, подготовленные жителями села или деревни. К их числу относится книга К.П. Гусевой «Поклонись родному дому», которая... more
Pamięć historyczna okresu przedradzieckiego we współczesnym Kirgistanie -między dziedzictwem a kreacją i idealizacją W Kirgistanie 1 niekwestionowana wydaje się opinia Kubata K. Moldobaeva: "Pomimo ostrego pressingu ideologicznego w ciągu... more
Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются приуроченные к календарным праздникам поминальные обычаи, сопряженные с пространством кладбища. Проводится обзор их современных форм, которые включают как традиционные элементы, так и новации,... more
Leif Kramp untersucht erstmals umfassend die Gedächtnisrelevanz des Massenmediums Fernsehen sowie den archivischen und musealen Umgang mit der Fernsehgeschichte. Anknüpfend an die interdisziplinären Zweige der Gedächtnisforschung... more
This essay analyzes the collective mnemonics embedded in the statistical discourse of Planned Parenthood’s 1955 conference, _Abortion in the United States_. Conferees recalled a culture that was diseased, remembered both through social... more
The aim of this paper is to situate the Sardinian village within the flux of contemporary social transformations that stand poised to redefine it. Specifically, it examines the highland village of Orgosolo, understanding it as a site that... more
This article explores some French Canadian (Québec) students’ historical consciousness of the nation through the lens of Social Identity Theory (SIT). Informed by SIT principles, our narrative analysis shows how most Franco-Québécois... more
The 2000th anniversary of the Varusbattle in the year 2009 commemorated an event which – unlike any other ancient event – has raised public interest in Germany and has virtually been turned into a myth. The Cheruscan chief... more
Ao analisar as relações da história e da memória na sociedade contemporânea, esta obra discute sobre como esses termos se aproximam e se distanciam. Com base nisso, observa as relações entre a história e o mito, o oral e o escrito, a... more
Die Konvergenz von mobilen Medien, Sensornetzwerken, digitalen Datenvisualisierungen und den Anwendungen des Social Web hat dazu geführt, dass sich Erfahrungen des Urbanen in einem radikalen Wandel befinden. Die Stadt der Zukunft... more
Based on the analysis of files from the Department of Defence, and drawing on interviews with veterans and on their associations' press, the article focuses on the Algerian War National Memorial in Paris, its long gestation and... more
From "A Questionnaire on Monuments"
On the south coast of British Columbia in shíshálh traditional territory, an ancient burial ground (DjRw-14) contains the remains of richly decorated individuals dated to the Charles culture (4000-3500 B.P.). In addition to other grave... more
This article analyzes the evolution of nostalgic sentiment in Russia over the past 25 years. Unlike in the 1990s, the nostalgic perception of the Soviet past in 2000s transformed under the influence of new government ideology. Leonid... more
In: Medaon. Magazin für jüdisches Leben in Forschung und Bildung 8 (2011).
Residents of Makeni, Sierra Leone, recall the chaos, terror, and uncertainty of their town's occupation by rebels in qualitatively different terms than they remember ordinary time. Rather than speaking in terms of "what happened" and... more
Tekst jest wstępnym szkicem do opracowywanego tematu współczesnych form i sposobów funkcjonowania pamięci o zniszczeniu i odbudowie Würzburga w tym frankońskim mieście. Odtworzenie historycznego centrum i śródmieścia po katastrofalnym... more
Pensamiento, Palabra y Obra les agradece su acompañamiento al lanzamiento de su número 19. Retomamos el tema del único monográfico que la revista ha tenido, dado que pensar la relación entre arte y paz nunca será suficiente, mucho menos... more